
      With the new model version 1.3 I'm trying multiple stages under parallel, but when I tried to use FailFast from a environment variable I can't use that correctly.

      Each time that I tried to validate the pipeline I got the following

      Errors encountered validating Jenkinsfile:
      WorkflowScript: 80: Expected a boolean with failFast @ line 80, column 21.
                             failFast "${FAILFAST}".toBoolean()

      And the Jenkinsfile is the following:

      @Library('cilium') _
      pipeline {
          agent {
              label 'baremetal'
          environment {
              PROJ_PATH = "src/github.com/cilium/cilium"
              TESTDIR = "${WORKSPACE}/${PROJ_PATH}/"
              MEMORY = "4096"
              SERVER_BOX = "cilium/ubuntu"
              NETNEXT=setIfLabel("ci/net-next", "true", "false")
          options {
              timeout(time: 240, unit: 'MINUTES')
          stages {
              stage('Checkout') {
                  options {
                      timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES')
                  steps {
                      BuildIfLabel('area/k8s', 'Cilium-PR-Kubernetes-Upstream')
                      BuildIfLabel('area/k8s', 'Cilium-PR-Ginkgo-Tests-K8s')
                      BuildIfLabel('area/documentation', 'Cilium-PR-Doc-Tests')
                      sh 'env'
                      sh 'rm -rf src; mkdir -p src/github.com/cilium'
                      sh 'ln -s $WORKSPACE src/github.com/cilium/cilium'
                      checkout scm
                      sh '/usr/local/bin/cleanup || true'
              stage('Prechecks+unittesting') {
                  options {
                      timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES')
                  environment {
                  steps {
                     sh "cd ${TESTDIR}; make jenkins-precheck"
                     sh "cd ${TESTDIR}; make tests-ginkgo"
                  post {
                     always {
                         sh "cd ${TESTDIR}; make clean-ginkgo-tests || true"
              stage('BDD-Test-PR') {
                  environment {
                      FAILFAST=setIfLabel("ci/fail-fast", "true", "false")
                      CONTAINER_RUNTIME=setIfLabel("area/containerd", "containerd", "docker")
                  stages {
                      stage("Boot VMs") {
                          steps {
                              sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.8 vagrant up --no-provision'
                              sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.13 vagrant up --no-provision'
                      stage("Tests") {
                          options {
                              timeout(time: 75, unit: 'MINUTES')
                          failFast "${FAILFAST}".toBoolean()
                          parallel {
                                  steps {
                                      sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; vagrant provision runtime'
                                      sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; ginkgo --focus=" Runtime*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST} -- -cilium.provision=false'
                                      not {
                                          environment name: 'CNI_INTEGRATION', value: 'FLANNEL'
                                  steps {
                                      sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.8 vagrant provision k8s1-1.8; K8S_VERSION=1.8 vagrant provision k8s2-1.8'
                                      sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.8 ginkgo --focus=" K8s*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST} -- -cilium.provision=false'
                                  steps {
                                      sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.13 vagrant provision k8s1-1.13; K8S_VERSION=1.13 vagrant provision k8s2-1.13'
                                      sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.13 ginkgo --focus=" K8s*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST} -- -cilium.provision=false'
                          post {
                              always {
                                  sh 'cd test/; ./post_build_agent.sh || true'
                                  sh 'cd test/; ./archive_test_results.sh || true'
                                  archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.zip'
                                  junit testDataPublishers: [[$class: 'AttachmentPublisher']], testResults: 'test/*.xml'
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}/test/; K8S_VERSION=1.8 vagrant destroy -f || true'
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}/test/; K8S_VERSION=1.13 vagrant destroy -f || true'

      The reason of using a variable for Failfast is because a user can select failFast or not in the PR using labels. If I use true/false It works correctly. Spoke with @abayer and mentioned to me to open a issue.

      At the moment, without using parallel stages I can use this code, but no longer works with 1.3

      stage('BDD-Test-PR') {
                  environment {
                      FAILFAST=setIfLabel("ci/fail-fast", "true", "false")
                      CONTAINER_RUNTIME=setIfLabel("area/containerd", "containerd", "docker")
                  options {
                      timeout(time: 75, unit: 'MINUTES')
                  steps {
                      script {
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; vagrant provision runtime' 
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; ginkgo --focus=" Runtime*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST} -- -cilium.provision=false'
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.8 vagrant provision k8s1-1.8; K8S_VERSION=1.8 vagrant provision k8s2-1.8' 
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.8 ginkgo --focus=" K8s*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST} -- -cilium.provision=false'
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.13 vagrant provision k8s1-1.13; K8S_VERSION=1.13 vagrant provision k8s2-1.13'
                                  sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.13 ginkgo --focus=" K8s*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST} -- -cilium.provision=false'
                              failFast: "${FAILFAST}".toBoolean()
                  post {
                      always {
                          // Temporary workaround to test cleanup
                          // rm -rf ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/cilium/cilium
                          sh 'cd test/; ./post_build_agent.sh || true'
                          sh 'cd test/; ./archive_test_results.sh || true'
                          archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.zip'
                          junit testDataPublishers: [[$class: 'AttachmentPublisher']], testResults: 'test/*.xml'

          [JENKINS-55928] Parallel Failfast value is not evaluated

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