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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-56185

Cucumber report link not working after renaming or moving jenkins job

      We are using cucumber-reports-plugin to publish pretty cucucmber reports on jenkins, and this is working great.

      However, when I renamed a job (or moved the job to a different folder), then I am not able to access the reports via the  'Cucumber Reports'  link on the right side of the build.

      I confirmed that the directory cucumber-html-reports is present and all the data is present - the file overview-features.html, folders embeddings, js, css, images, fonts, 

      For example clicking the following hyperlink for 'Cucumber Reports' gives the error:




      This .... page can't be found

      No webpage was found for the web address: http://myjenkinsdomain.com/job/myjobFolder/job/renamedJobName/buildNumber/cucumber-html-reports/overview-features.html
      HTTP ERROR 404
      How can I get the links working again ?
      (Note: The builds I triggered after renaming the job, they all have working links to the cucumber reports - the problem is with accessing the reports for the builds triggered before renaming)
      Thank you !

          [JENKINS-56185] Cucumber report link not working after renaming or moving jenkins job

          Thomas Clark added a comment -

          Hello, we are having the same issue with Jenkins V. 2.150.2.

          Thomas Clark added a comment - Hello, we are having the same issue with Jenkins V. 2.150.2.

          I had a very similar problem, after migration of jenkins data from one server to another. After investigation I discover that the build.xml file in builds/XXXX contains absolute path to the old data location on the old server.

          Simple sed command to be run on each build.xml file solve the issue:
          sed -i 's/\/var\/lib\/jenkins-test/\/data\/jenkins/' build.xml


          hoppe it helps

          Cyrille Guillard added a comment - I had a very similar problem, after migration of jenkins data from one server to another. After investigation I discover that the build.xml file in builds/XXXX contains absolute path to the old data location on the old server. Simple sed command to be run on each build.xml file solve the issue: sed -i 's/\/var\/lib\/jenkins-test/\/data\/jenkins/' build.xml   hoppe it helps

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            devops_user Aparna Nittala
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