It is impossible to add streams with exact names to multibranch pipeline.
Steps to reproduce
Perforce has six streams:
- //k02/foo
- //k02/foo-01
- //k02/foo-02
- //k02/bar
- //k02/bar-01
- //k02/bar-02
Task: create multibranch pipeline for //k02/foo and //k02/bar streams only.
If we set "Include streams" value in Branch Sources to:
//k02/foo //k02/bar
P4Plugin will add all six streams to created job.
Scan Multibranch Pipeline Log
p4 streams //k02/foo* //k02/bar*
P4Plugin adds * to the end of each stream's name if it is not ended by ... or *.
public List<IStreamSummary> getStreams(List<String> paths) throws Exception { ListIterator<String> list = paths.listIterator(); while (list.hasNext()) { String i = list.next(); if (!i.contains("...") && !i.contains("*")) { list.set(i + "*"); } }
Please don't add * to the end of stream paths automatically.
It will give the possibility to add only specified streams.
Users can add * to stream names manually or use supported //depot/stream/... syntax.
I have created a pull request with a possible fix of this problem:
Please fix this bug.
Thank you
lystor Thanks for highlighting this.
Confirm that this is the behavior and that exclusionary mapping do not work when streams are involved. For example the following will not work as a workaround:
Passing to developers.