Resolution: Unresolved
- visit /directive-generator/
- directive: triggers
- add: githubPush
Result: exception:
VM3002:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'checked' of undefined at eval (eval at exports.start (warning.js:17), <anonymous>:1:26) at Object.exports.start (warning.js:17) at eval (eval at geval (hudson-behavior.js:391), <anonymous>:6:4) at eval (<anonymous>) at geval (hudson-behavior.js:391) at hudson-behavior.js:598 at next (hudson-behavior.js:616) at HTMLScriptElement.script.onload.script.onreadystatechange (hudson-behavior.js:2720)
> $$(options.input) [] > $$(options.input).first() undefined > $$(options.input).first().checked TypeError: Cannot read property 'checked' of undefined at Object.exports.start (http://localhost:9001/static/cfe709a8/plugin/github/js/warning.js:17:39) at eval (eval at geval (http://localhost:9001/static/cfe709a8/scripts/hudson-behavior.js:391:30), <anonymous>:6:4) at eval (<anonymous>) at geval (http://localhost:9001/static/cfe709a8/scripts/hudson-behavior.js:391:30) at http://localhost:9001/static/cfe709a8/scripts/hudson-behavior.js:598:17 at next (http://localhost:9001/static/cfe709a8/scripts/hudson-behavior.js:616:39) at HTMLScriptElement.script.onload.script.onreadystatechange (http://localhost:9001/static/cfe709a8/scripts/hudson-behavior.js:2720:17)message:
Expected results:
Some sort of widget to let me consider stuff?
I can duplicate this bug. Clicking the "Add" button for githubPush shows no change on the web page for the user, while the same add button works as expected for other items like bitbucketPush, gitlab, and pollSCM.
Fails in a different way when I click the "Add" button for "upstream".