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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-56539

Multijob Retry Rules: failure doesn't match the rules

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • multijob-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins ver. 2.107.2
      Multijob 1.31

      Here is how it configured:

      Here is how the concerning rule looks like

      > ls -la /var/lib/jenkins/rules/
      total 32
      drwxrwxr-x.  2 jenkins jenkins  4096 Dec 24 12:21 .
      drwxr-xr-x. 40 jenkins jenkins 12288 Mar 13 09:53 ..
      -rw-rw-r--.  1 jenkins jenkins     3 Jul 12  2017 retry_any_failure.txt
      -rw-rw-r--.  1 jenkins jenkins    18 Jul 12  2017 retry_failure.txt
      -rw-rw-r--.  1 jenkins jenkins    29 Dec 24 12:21 retry_unstable_failure.txt
      -rw-rw-r--.  1 jenkins jenkins    19 Jul 12  2017 retry_unstable.txt
      > cat /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt

      The concerning behavior is the following:

      00:57:40 Finished Build : #321: [PR-123] of Job : paralleled_executor with status : FAILURE
      00:57:40 Scanning failed job console output using parsing rule file /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt.
      00:57:40 Failed the build, the failure doesn't match the rules.

      How come everything (.*) from retry_any_failure.txt doesn't match the rules (©) ???

      The important caveat here is that this behavior is intermittent; in most cases it works as expected, but this fact confuses even more than it wouldn't work at all...

      Expected behavior

      23:53:35 Finished Build : #456: [PR-654] of Job : another_job with status : FAILURE
      23:53:35 Scanning failed job console output using parsing rule file /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt.
      23:53:35 Known failure detected, retrying this build. Try 1 of 1.

        1. retry_any.png
          10 kB
          Sasha Miroshnychenko
        2. image-2019-03-13-12-55-35-279.png
          64 kB
          Sasha Miroshnychenko
        3. image-2019-03-13-11-50-08-020.png
          93 kB
          Sasha Miroshnychenko

          [JENKINS-56539] Multijob Retry Rules: failure doesn't match the rules

          While I'm fairly confident that this issue caused by an implicit misconfiguration on my end, there is still some kind of magic plugin behavior as well...


          I decided to double check the job configuration UI and noticed this

          Normally, this would never happen since all my ~1k jobs are configured with JJB, like this (multijob)

          - job:
              name: My_Pipeline
              node: pipeline
              project-type: multijob
                - string:
                    name: my_param
                - timestamps
                - multijob:
                    name: Example subjob
                    condition: SUCCESSFUL
                      - name: paralleled_executor
                        current-parameters: true
                        kill-phase-on: NEVER
                            max-retry: 1
                            strategy-path: "/var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt"

          As you can see
          strategy-path: "/var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt"
          that is being obviously mentioned in multijob logs

          00:57:40 Finished Build : #321: [PR-123] of Job : paralleled_executor with status : FAILURE
          00:57:40 Scanning failed job console output using parsing rule file /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt.
          00:57:40 Failed the build, the failure doesn't match the rules.

           ... in reality, doesn't match to the rule from the global jenkins configuration:
          UnstableOrFailure: /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_unstable_failure.txt
          which is:

          > cat /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_unstable_failure.txt
          Finished: (FAILURE|UNSTABLE)

          I ended up adding 4th rule with that desired rule-file

          ... and after re-uploading job it shows proper rule (Any) from job configuration UI.

          Sasha Miroshnychenko added a comment - While I'm fairly confident that this issue caused by an implicit misconfiguration on my end, there is still some kind of magic  plugin behavior as well...   I decided to double check the job configuration UI and noticed this Normally, this would never happen since all my ~1k jobs are configured with JJB , like this ( multijob ) - job: name: My_Pipeline node: pipeline project-type: multijob parameters: - string: name: my_param wrappers: - timestamps builders: - multijob: name: Example subjob condition: SUCCESSFUL projects: - name: paralleled_executor current-parameters: true kill-phase-on: NEVER retry: max-retry: 1 strategy-path: "/ var /lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt" As you can see strategy-path: "/var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt" that is being obviously mentioned in multijob logs 00:57:40 Finished Build : #321: [PR-123] of Job : paralleled_executor with status : FAILURE 00:57:40 Scanning failed job console output using parsing rule file / var /lib/jenkins/rules/retry_any_failure.txt. 00:57:40 Failed the build, the failure doesn't match the rules.  ... in reality, doesn't match to the rule from the global jenkins configuration: UnstableOrFailure: /var/lib/jenkins/rules/retry_unstable_failure.txt which is: > cat / var /lib/jenkins/rules/retry_unstable_failure.txt Finished: (FAILURE|UNSTABLE) I ended up adding 4th rule with that desired rule-file ... and after re-uploading job it shows proper rule ( Any ) from job configuration UI.

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            bahdad Sasha Miroshnychenko
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