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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-56687

Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders not working correctly

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • kubernetes-plugin
    • None
    • RHEL6, Java 8, Jenkins Master 2.138.4 running in Tomcat 8.5.30, Kubernetes Plugin 1.14.9, Folders Plugin 6.7, AWS EKS cluster 1.11+

      I have a Jenkins Master v2.138.4 running kubernetes plugin v1.14.9 connected to an AWS EKS cluster 1.11+.

      1. I check "Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders" in the managed Jenkins page under the Kubernetes cloud config.
      2. I then configure Kubernetes Pod Template with the Name, Namespace, and Label use the "Raw yaml for the Pod" section.
      3. Then after, I purposely do not configure the folder containing my Jenkins Declarative pipeline.
      4. When I click "Build Now" on my pipeline, the plugin does not seem to be Restricting my pipeline from running or using the Kubernetes Cloud.

      The is also true when configuring the Kubernetes Pod and Container Template directly in the UI Jenkins manage page. 

      I read the instructions on the plugin READ.md: https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin#restricting-what-jobs-can-use-your-configured-cloud


      pipeline {
        agent { label('aws-jenkins-kube-agent') }
        options {
          buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '10', numToKeepStr: '10')
        stages {
          stage ("Run Maven"){
            steps {
              container('maven') {
                stage('Get Maven Version') {
                  sh '''
                    mvn -v


      Any thoughts?


          [JENKINS-56687] Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders not working correctly

          Thiago Gomes added a comment -

          I'm seeing the same behavior for the 1.18.1 version of the plugin running on Jenkins 2.176.2 (latest LTS).

          Thiago Gomes added a comment - I'm seeing the same behavior for the 1.18.1 version of the plugin running on Jenkins 2.176.2 (latest LTS).

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            abermudez Angel Bermudez
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