> Wouldn't it make sense to provide an extension point in the pipeline-maven-plugin so I can provide an implementation in the warnings plugin that gets automatically hooked in?
drulli with pleasure, there is already the "org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenPublisher" and the "org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.publishers.AbstractHealthAwarePublisher" for the plugins related to analysis-core.
What would be the desired APIs? My understanding is that publishing quality reports requires primarily to access to the execution details of the maven mojos executed in a Maven build.
The existing API based on an XML document is probably way too low level for you ("org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.MavenPublisher#process(StepContext context, Element mavenSpyLogsElt)").
Note that I am introducing on Object Oriented model of the execution of Mojo executions for JENKINS-56448 (Enable Module Builds view for withMaven Pipeline builds).
> reitzmichnicht: I would suggest to remove all warnings related publishers from the pipeline-maven plugin. Separation of concerns should be the design pattern here.
reitzmichnicht can you please detail why you are reluctant to automatically detect Maven build phases that generated reports that we can collect in Jenkins?
My finding is that many people under use Jenkins reporting capabilities due to the boilerplate to collect all the reports.
The is a challenge of required version of jenkins-core ond of some key plugins.
warnings-ng requires more recent than what we would like to support.