Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
When, for any reason, test execution is hung in UFT.exe and the Jenkins plugin determines that the tools need to be terminated, the UFT.exe stands a great chance to be stopped by killing the process abruptly. The code is in HPToolsAborter, function "KillQtpAutomationFromAlm".
We used to do that as well but when simply killing the process, any Autopass licenses held by it will be lost and not returned until after the timeout period specified on the Autopass server.
We advise to create an instance of UFT and telling it to "quit" before resorting to exit the process abruptly.
See example code in VBScript for reference:
Dim qtApp : Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
Call qtApp.Quit()
Set qtApp = Nothing
This will ensure that UFT has been given the possibility to return any license. If the process still lives after that, sure, it need to be killed anyway.
The same might apply to the other tools as well.
Thanks and best regards,