Also JCasC export doesn't work due to io.jenkins.plugins.casc.ConfiguratorException: Can't read attribute 'connectionTimeout' from com.dabsquared.gitlabjenkins.connection.GitLabConnection@a566e.
An update after even a deeper investigation:
Above is valid right after Jenkins booted-up via replaying JCasC YUM definition, so the memory moder for this plug-in is somehow corrupted.
But when you go to Global configuration (and see two GitLab connections, one from your declaration, second 'an empty' one) and change there anything (even not related to the gitlab plugin), than save or apply the current setting and do the JCasC export, there isn't an exception, but exported configuration like:
- apiTokenId: "token"
clientBuilderId: "autodetect"
connectionTimeout: 10
ignoreCertificateErrors: false
name: "test"
readTimeout: 10
url: "https:
- clientBuilderId: "autodetect"
connectionTimeout: 10
ignoreCertificateErrors: false
readTimeout: 10
ndeloof do you have any thoughts about why this would happen? The GitLab plugin has not been modified at all to support CasC.