When I use jenkins with swarm automated test,
I use the pipeline code like
checkout perforce(
populate: previewOnly(quiet: true)
workspace: templateSpec( ... )
and template workspace have all depot like
//depotA/... //$P4_CLIENT/depotA/... //depotB/... //$P4_CLIENT/depotB/... //depotC/... //$P4_CLIENT/depotC/... ...
and I create new workspace and delete after finished job always.
as you know, because I want to do like
unshelve files in the review item and run some test.
I don't need sync, sync -n or sync -k and flush, delete, whatever..
here's error message.
[Pipeline] container[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] checkout* 02:02:57* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o TEMPLATE_SE_SWARM_AT_SA* 02:02:57* p4 client -o TEMPLATESE_SWARM_AT_SA* 02:02:57* 02:02:57 (p4):stop:3* 02:02:57* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:57* p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:57* 02:02:58 (p4):stop:4* 02:02:58* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i* 02:02:58* p4 client -i* 02:02:58* 02:02:58 Client jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z saved. 02:02:58 02:02:58 (p4):stop:5* 02:02:58* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:58* p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:58* 02:02:58 (p4):stop:6* 02:02:58* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i* 02:02:58* p4 client -i* 02:02:58* 02:02:58 Client jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z saved. 02:02:58 02:02:58 (p4):stop:7* 02:02:58* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -f -s -t TEMPLATESE_SWARM_AT_SA jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-s_ 02:02:58 p4 client -f -s -t TEMPLATESE_SWARM_AT_SA jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:58* 02:02:58 Client jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z switched. 02:02:58 02:02:58 (p4):stop:8* 02:02:58* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:58* p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:58* 02:02:59 (p4):stop:9* 02:02:59* (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:59* p4 client -o jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z* 02:02:59* 02:02:59 (p4):stop:10* 02:02:59* (p4):cmd:... p4 counter change* 02:02:59* p4 counter change* 02:02:59* 02:02:59 (p4):stop:11* 02:02:59* (p4):cmd:... p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z/._ 02:02:59 p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z/... 02:02:59 02:02:59 Change 2688516 on 2019/06/05 by sj8282.park@sj8282.park_NOVUS_TASK_SVR19A_mare03 'Add Test Case Template with reg' 02:02:59 (p4):stop:12* 02:02:59* (p4):cmd:... p4 counter change* 02:02:59* p4 counter change* 02:02:59* 02:02:59 (p4):stop:13* 02:02:59* (p4):cmd:... p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z/.__ 02:02:59 p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //jenkins-SE-SWARM_AT_SA-21-se-swarm-at-sa-sv1sw-klt6z/...@2688516* 02:02:59* 02:05:28 Operation 'user-changes' failed. 02:05:28 Request too large for server memory (try later?). 02:05:28 02:05:28 (p4):stop:14
I need the option that create workspace without any changes, counter, ... other commands.
And by the way, this preview option is really needed?
who want to use p4 sync -nq , it's useless.
and p4 sync -n command also. I don't know when and why use this option.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-58116 "Request too large" in p4-plugin 1.10 (works with 1.9.7)
- Closed
- is related to
JENKINS-61745 Scan multibranch with date range or dop '@now'
- Closed
Hi luckyhorang - This looks like a server error:
I will therefore contact you directly to get more confidential information about the system and setup.