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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-58367

cwd set by exws set is replaced by withEnv and withCredentials steps


      I am experiencing an unexpected change of the current working directory when withEnv or withCredentials steps are used.

      dir step is a viable workaround, but I am wondering if there is a more straightforward explanation and solution.

      Thank you!

      def extWorkspace = exwsAllocate diskPoolId: 'workspace-pool', strategy: fastestWriteSpeed()

      stage('init') {
        node('brenode') {
          println pwd() //prints local workspace (${JENKINS_HOME}/workspace/${JOB_NAME})
          exws (extWorkspace) {
            println pwd() //prints external workspace ${physical_path}/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}

      {          println pwd() //prints again local workspace!       }



          [JENKINS-58367] cwd set by exws set is replaced by withEnv and withCredentials steps

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            alexsomai Alexandru Somai
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