Resolution: Unresolved
hi team,
I am new to Jenkins and I am trying to use Claims plugin to allow users to claim a build failure in a scripted pipeline.
Please let me know how I can do it.
I understand in declarative pipeline i can use something like below.
{{step([$class: 'ClaimPublisher']) }}
Jenkins version 2.121.2
Build Failure Analyzer 1.20.0
Claim plugin version 2.15
Also if you can let me know how I can find this information myself that will be more helpful.
I have the same problem. Once it was working, but now it's not working anymore. I don't know if it was a change of my scripted pipeline or an update of the plugin, that made it stop working.
The time it worked I also uses step([$class: 'ClaimPublisher']). Now I also tried with allowBrokenBuildClaiming(). Do I have to put the call on a special position of my scripted pipeline?