Uploaded image for project: 'Jenkins'
  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-58540

Console output of pipeline extra stars


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major

      Since yesterday my console logs have extra * stars at each character. Even if I have a really simple pipeline like


      pipeline {    options {
              buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: "3"))
              timeout(time: 120, unit: "MINUTES")
          }    agent {
              label "maven-3-jdk-12"
          }    stages {        /**
              * The stage will checkout the current branch.
              stage("Checkout Build") {
                  steps {
                      checkout scm
              }    } // stages}

      The weird thing is that those * stars are only added if I use the maven-3-jdk-12 agent. I tried it with a docker and kubernetes agent and I do not get all those stars in my log.




      Started by user Erwin Müller
      Querying the current revision of branch jenkins...
      Current revision of branch jenkins is 2a5e780086a6d95801378dd62c6107e3367d2b0f
      Obtained Jenkinsfile from 2a5e780086a6d95801378dd62c6107e3367d2b0f
      Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
      [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
      [Pipeline] node
      Still waiting to schedule task
      Waiting for next available executor on ‘maven-3-jdk-12-1566w’
      Agent maven-3-jdk-12-x49g2 is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template
      Agent specification [Kubernetes Pod Template] (maven-3-jdk-12): 
      * [jnlp] jenkins/jnlp-slave:3.29-1-alpine
      * [maven] erwin82/maven:v3.6.1-jdk-12-r.10(resourceRequestCpu: 0, resourceRequestMemory: 0, resourceLimitCpu: 2.0, resourceLimitMemory: 2Gi)
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
          runAsUser: 1000
          runAsGroup: 1000
          fsGroup: 1000
              - matchExpressions:
                - key: agent.jenkins.anrisoftware.com
                  operator: In
                  - required
      Running on maven-3-jdk-12-x49g2 in /home/jenkins/workspace/al-rest-analysis-service_jenkins
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] stage
      [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
      [Pipeline] checkout
      ********u********s********i********n********g******** ********c********r********e********d********e********n********t********i********a********l******** ********j********e********n********k********i********n********s********-********g********i********t********e********a********

      It can not be this issue https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-41760 because in the example pipeline I am not using any credentials. Also, this issue is only if I use the maven docker image but not in any other image.

      For example with the docker agent:

      Started by user Erwin Müller
      Querying the current revision of branch jenkins...
      Current revision of branch jenkins is 360c219162eae6026a231ff6c49103666770355a
      Obtained Jenkinsfile from 360c219162eae6026a231ff6c49103666770355a
      Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
      [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
      [Pipeline] node
      Agent docker-18-dwxpr is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template
      Agent specification [Kubernetes Pod Template] (docker): 
      * [jnlp] jenkins/jnlp-slave:3.29-1-alpine
      * [docker] docker:18.09.7-git(resourceRequestCpu: 0, resourceRequestMemory: 0, resourceLimitCpu: 1.0, resourceLimitMemory: 1Gi)
      * [dind] docker:18.09.7-dind(resourceRequestCpu: 0, resourceRequestMemory: 0, resourceLimitCpu: 1.0, resourceLimitMemory: 1Gi)Running on docker-18-dwxpr in /home/jenkins/workspace/al-rest-analysis-service_jenkins
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] stage
      [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
      [Pipeline] checkout
      using credential jenkins-gitea
      Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
      Fetching without tags
      Checking out Revision 360c219162eae6026a231ff6c49103666770355a (jenkins)
       > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
       > git config remote.origin.url https://gitea.anrisoftware.com/anrisoftware.com/timefractal-rest-analysis-service.git # timeout=10
      Fetching upstream changes from https://gitea.anrisoftware.com/anrisoftware.com/timefractal-rest-analysis-service.git
       > git --version # timeout=10
      using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
       > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress https://gitea.anrisoftware.com/anrisoftware.com/timefractal-rest-analysis-service.git +refs/heads/jenkins:refs/remotes/origin/jenkins
       > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
       > git checkout -f 360c219162eae6026a231ff6c49103666770355a
      Commit message: "Use docker."
       > git rev-list --no-walk 2a5e780086a6d95801378dd62c6107e3367d2b0f # timeout=10
      [Gitea] Notifying branch build status: PENDING Build started...
      [Gitea] Notified
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // stage
      [Pipeline] withEnv
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] timeout
      Timeout set to expire in 2 hr 0 min
      [Pipeline] {
      [Pipeline] stage
      [Pipeline] { (Checkout Build)
      [Pipeline] checkout
      using credential jenkins-gitea
      Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
      Fetching without tags
      Checking out Revision 360c219162eae6026a231ff6c49103666770355a (jenkins)
      Commit message: "Use docker."
      [Gitea] Notifying branch build status: PENDING Build started...
       > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
       > git config remote.origin.url https://gitea.anrisoftware.com/anrisoftware.com/timefractal-rest-analysis-service.git # timeout=10
      Fetching upstream changes from https://gitea.anrisoftware.com/anrisoftware.com/timefractal-rest-analysis-service.git
       > git --version # timeout=10
      using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
       > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress https://gitea.anrisoftware.com/anrisoftware.com/timefractal-rest-analysis-service.git +refs/heads/jenkins:refs/remotes/origin/jenkins
       > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
       > git checkout -f 360c219162eae6026a231ff6c49103666770355a
      [Gitea] Notified
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // stage
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // timeout
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // withEnv
      [Pipeline] }
      [Pipeline] // node
      [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
      [Gitea] Notifying branch build status: SUCCESS This commit looks good
      [Gitea] Notified
      Finished: SUCCESS


            karolgil Karol Gil
            erwin_ntt Erwin Müller
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
