Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins v2.185 running on jenkins-kubernetes-plugin
Ansible Plugin v1.0
So, in my private ansible repository, I have define `all` variables in each inventory group_vars. In those `all` group_vars I defined `ansible_ssh_key` to keys to other directory in same repository. Since I save it up on my git repo I'm not uploading my key files content, there's only placeholder for it, and to use it I manually copy the key content to the ansible controller after I clone the repository
The problem comes when I use jenkins to run my playbook, since I'm using k8s jenkins plugin, the executor will only spawned whenever the jobs get queued, and before I can ran my playbook, I have to clone my ansible repository. Which means the executor will only have my cloned ansible repository with `empty placeholder key` file. Since ansible plugin is providing `credentialsId` for the ssh access, I think it should just go fine, because the provided credentials will be used instead of my self declared `ansible_ssh_key`. But i was wrong, the key that is being used is the one I define on `ansible_ssh_key` variables.
My question is, is this expected behaviour ? Or there's something that I missing here ? Pls pardon me with my long explanation just to ask such simple question. Thanks gentlement
This is how I invoke the stage to clone & run the playbook :
pipeline{ agent { label 'Jenkins-slave' } stages { stage('Clone Ansible'){ steps { echo 'Cloning Ansible to ansible' git changelog: false, credentialsId: 'buildbot-pk', poll: false, url: 'git@github.com:myrepo/ansible.git' } } stage('Run Ansible'){ steps { ansiblePlaybook colorized: true, credentialsId: 'root-production', disableHostKeyChecking: true, inventory: 'myinventory', playbook: 'myplaybook.yml', tags: 'mytag' } } } }