• Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • p4-plugin



      I use pipeline job. (not multibranch)

      The config of this job is,


      1. Build Triggers > Poll SCM checked, Schedule */2 * * * *
      2. Pipeline > Definition : Pipeline script from SCM, SCM : Perforce Software, Polling build filters : Polling per Change Enabled checked


      I think jenkins job runs well usally, but sometimes this problem occurs.

      You can see job created every two minutes.


      In this case, #114 shows one CL 2921937

      and also #115 shows same CL 2921937

      actually  up to #140 all runs shows same CL.


      I do not know why this happened, I found that it could be a clue.

      Two CLs are submitted very closely.


      Please check this situation.



      Several Polling Log :

          [JENKINS-58639] pipeline job runs every two minutes

          Karl Wirth added a comment -

          Hi luckyhorang. Please get us the Polling Log from two runs of the job showing that it polled once per minute.


          Please also get us the Jenkinsfile.

          Karl Wirth added a comment - Hi luckyhorang . Please get us the Polling Log from two runs of the job showing that it polled once per minute.   Please also get us the Jenkinsfile.

          Hokwang Lee added a comment -

          p4karl I will update description and I will send Jenkinsfile to email.

          Hokwang Lee added a comment - p4karl I will update description and I will send Jenkinsfile to email.

          Hokwang Lee added a comment -

          p4karl Any comments?

          Hokwang Lee added a comment - p4karl Any comments?

          Karl Wirth added a comment -

          Hi luckyhorang - I'm now back from vacation and have some more questions so will email you directly.

          Karl Wirth added a comment - Hi luckyhorang - I'm now back from vacation and have some more questions so will email you directly.

          Karl Wirth added a comment - - edited

          Believe I have reproduced this. Reproduction steps:

          (1) Create a workspace in ws

          (2) Create files in "/ws/JENKINS-58639"

          (3) Created "/ws/JENKINS-58639/Jenkinsfile":

          pipeline {
            options {
            }  agent { label 'docker-slave' }  stages {
              stage("Sync") {
                steps {
                       checkout perforce(credential: 'JenkinsMaster', filter: [incremental(true)], populate: syncOnly(force: false, have: true, modtime: false, parallel: [enable: false, minb
          ytes: '1024', minfiles: '1', threads: '4'], pin: '', quiet: true, revert: false), workspace: templateSpec(charset: 'none', format: 'jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}-src', pinHost: 
          false, templateName: "JENKINS-58639-template"))
              stage ("wait_prior_starting_smoke_testing") {
                   steps {
                    echo 'Waiting 20 seconds'
                    sleep 30
              stage("Test") {
                steps {
                    sh 'ls'

          (4) Create a job with

          (5) Set quiet period to 5 (not so important).

          (6) Build job once.

          (7) Submit a file to '/ws/JENKINS-58639'.

          (8) Add a trigger to perforce to slow down syncs. For example create script "sleep.sh":

          echo Sleeping for 600s in trigger...
          sleep 600

          make the file executable, then create a trigger entry:

          	trigger.sleep.1 command pre-user-sync ./sleep.sh

          (9) Run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.

          (10) Submit another changelist to '/ws/JENKINS-58639'.

          (11) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.

          (12) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.

          (13) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.

          (14) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.

          Karl Wirth added a comment - - edited Believe I have reproduced this. Reproduction steps: (1) Create a workspace in ws (2) Create files in "/ws/ JENKINS-58639 " (3) Created "/ws/ JENKINS-58639 /Jenkinsfile": pipeline { options { skipDefaultCheckout() } agent { label 'docker-slave' } stages { stage( "Sync" ) { steps { script{ checkout perforce(credential: 'JenkinsMaster' , filter: [incremental( true )], populate: syncOnly(force: false , have: true , modtime: false , parallel: [enable: false , minb ytes: '1024' , minfiles: '1' , threads: '4' ], pin: '', quiet: true , revert: false ), workspace: templateSpec(charset: ' none ', format: ' jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}-src', pinHost: false , templateName: "JENKINS-58639-template" )) } } } stage ( "wait_prior_starting_smoke_testing" ) { steps { echo 'Waiting 20 seconds' sleep 30 } } stage( "Test" ) { steps { sh 'ls' } } } } (4) Create a job with (5) Set quiet period to 5 (not so important). (6) Build job once. (7) Submit a file to '/ws/ JENKINS-58639 '. (8) Add a trigger to perforce to slow down syncs. For example create script "sleep.sh": echo Sleeping for 600s in trigger... sleep 600 make the file executable, then create a trigger entry: trigger.sleep.1 command pre-user-sync ./sleep.sh (9) Run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building. (10) Submit another changelist to '/ws/ JENKINS-58639 '. (11) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building. (12) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building. (13) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building. (14) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.

          Karl Wirth added a comment -

          Highlighted to PM.

          Karl Wirth added a comment - Highlighted to PM.

          Paul Allen added a comment -

          Released in 1.10.5

          Paul Allen added a comment - Released in 1.10.5

            cbopardikar Charusheela Bopardikar
            luckyhorang Hokwang Lee
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
