Believe I have reproduced this. Reproduction steps:
(1) Create a workspace in ws
(2) Create files in "/ws/JENKINS-58639"
(3) Created "/ws/JENKINS-58639/Jenkinsfile":
pipeline {
options {
} agent { label 'docker-slave' } stages {
stage("Sync") {
steps {
checkout perforce(credential: 'JenkinsMaster', filter: [incremental(true)], populate: syncOnly(force: false, have: true, modtime: false, parallel: [enable: false, minb
ytes: '1024', minfiles: '1', threads: '4'], pin: '', quiet: true, revert: false), workspace: templateSpec(charset: 'none', format: 'jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}-src', pinHost:
false, templateName: "JENKINS-58639-template"))
stage ("wait_prior_starting_smoke_testing") {
steps {
echo 'Waiting 20 seconds'
sleep 30
stage("Test") {
steps {
sh 'ls'
(4) Create a job with

(5) Set quiet period to 5 (not so important).
(6) Build job once.
(7) Submit a file to '/ws/JENKINS-58639'.
(8) Add a trigger to perforce to slow down syncs. For example create script "":
echo Sleeping for 600s in trigger...
sleep 600
make the file executable, then create a trigger entry:
trigger.sleep.1 command pre-user-sync ./
(9) Run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.
(10) Submit another changelist to '/ws/JENKINS-58639'.
(11) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.
(12) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.
(13) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.
(14) Wait 20 seconds run Poll now. Job will wait 5 seconds then start building.
Hi luckyhorang. Please get us the Polling Log from two runs of the job showing that it polled once per minute.
Please also get us the Jenkinsfile.