Resolution: Not A Defect
I'm trying to implement ignoreCommitterStrategy approach via multibranch generator job (i.e, job-dsl way)
since there are many existing multibranch-pipeline jobs and I try to achieve ignorecommitter stragegy inside branchsources of multibranch generator job
After running seed job (i.e., multibranch generator job) I could see ignoreCommiter Strategy updated in existing multibranch pipeline jobs but still ignored author is not added. It means at this moment inside multibranch pipeline jobs -> config I have to manually click Add button and add ignored author list which is bit painful as we have many jobs.
Any help on this is really appreciated.
buildStrategies {
Note: Had even tried with "au.com.versent.jenkins.plugins.ignoreCommitterStrategy"
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Bug reports that request help are much less effective for plugin maintainers because they spend time answering a request for help instead of addressing bugs and enhancements.
In this specific case, ignore committer is not honored for pipeline jobs and multibranch pipeline jobs. Use the mailing lists and chat channels for further discussion on the topic.