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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-59245

Create "Saltstack view" for displaying Saltstack Console output


      After starting to use Jenkins with our Saltstack project it is really difficult to see in which states an error has occurred in a failed build. It would be nice if all Successful states would be colored green and all failed states would be colored red.

      Since this is a JSON return it would also be nice to have all succeeded states collapsed and failed states open - this would allow the user to quickly locate the error.

      This is an example of Jenkins output:

      This is an example of SaltStack output:

      It would be nice with the "Saltstack view" below the current "View as plain text":


            tzach_solomon Tzach Solomon
            helmoe Henrik Helmø Larsen
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
