Resolution: Unresolved
I have pipeline job with maven release plugin configured.
Username and password are provided as String Parameter & Password Parameter respectively, password is configured to be masked.
When latin symbols and digits are used in password, it is masked correctly. E.g. in log, we see:
mvn release:prepare release:perform -B -U -DreleaseVersion=1.2.3 -Dusername=<myusername> -Dpassword=********
If password contains any cyrillic symbols and digits, the following is shown in build log:
mvn release:prepare release:perform -B -U -DreleaseVersion=111.111.111 -Dusername=<myusername> -Dpassword=latin?????????123456
Here, the actual password string was "latinКириллица123456"
Also, when release-plugin fails, it shows errors like this:
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://<login>:<pass>@<repoUrl>'
So for latin & digits password, the <pass> is shown masked as ******, but for both latin, cyrillic & digits, it becomes like this:
and one can see unmasked part of the password in this URL.
Could you please fix it?
Is there any news about this issue?