Resolution: Not A Defect
I have a github organization item created on Jenkins. it has scanned the mentioned repository and created jobs for 5 active branches and initial builds were also happened on the slave but got failed due to some errors. Please note that workspace was created on slave for all these jobs. After one month i have checked and observed that worksapces of those five jobs got deleted. But jobs are still exist on jenkins webportal.
Can you tell me what could be the reason? i suspect issue could be due to one of the following.
- child orphaned strategy (inherited -> "discard old items checkbox" is enabled but no value is mentioned for "Days to keep builds" & "Max No. of Builds to keep" the options)
- health metrics (Child item with worst health ->recursive checkbox is enabled)
- Child health metrics (Child item with worst health ->recursive checkbox is enabled)
- slave configuration has something called "disable deferred wipeout on this node". This was not enabled.
Kindly help me know what could be the issue.
Jenkins version : 2.164.1
slave : Windows server 2008