Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins master version is : 2.176.2 and hosted in RHEL 7.
Jenkins slave is running in Windows 2012 system.
Everything is hosted in AWS cloud environment.
We have jenkins jobs to open IE for Selenium. We have configured java web start slave agent for this. As per current set up, before executing the jobs, we need to login to slave system and run the bat file manually to bring the slave connected with master and then we will run our jobs. We have tried to configure it as service but we do that, jenkins is unable to open IE browser for selenium execution. But for chrome browser, same job is working fine even we are running jenkins as service. In some of the blogs, I have seen that we need to create a powershell script and add that to startup directory to connect java web start agent to master but I did not get any specific solution for that. Can anyone please help to fix this issue. We have huge number of jenkins jobs and at present, we need to login to slave to run the bat file manually but we need to automate this. If anyone has faced this issue earlier, kindly help.
One easy (working) solution, it may fit or not your case security wise: