Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.210
The properties is for "retries" which you should be able to disable with a count of zero. but you can not. but the comment implies it is just for the number of tries (not retries).
However the code calls PathRemover.newFilteredRobustRemover(pathChecker, DELETION_MAX - 1, GC_AFTER_FAILED_DELETE, WAIT_BETWEEN_DELETION_RETRIES);]
which ends up in https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/c8efc7c78e26f3aefad24ef4c8a161cb9a269ea3/core/src/main/java/jenkins/util/io/PathRemover.java#L63-L65 which is using a max retries.
However if you run a test with the system property set to one. then you do get one retry not one try.
Unable to delete 'C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\oc-server\target\tmp\j h6725733765603761727'. Tried 2 time (of a maximum of 2) waiting 0.1 sec between attempts.
so the property does seem to be acting as a retry despite the code comment but you can not set it to zero one because...
static int DELETION_MAX = Math.max(1, SystemProperties.getInteger(Util.class.getName() + ".maxFileDeletionRetries", 3));
and the PathRemover]..
return new PathRemover(new PausingGCRetryStrategy(Math.max(maxRetries, 1), gcAfterFailedRemove, waitBetweenRetries), pathChecker);
which means it will always retry once, which is a PITA when trying to some timing bugs.
marking as lts-candidate not because its bad for users but because it is bad for developers especially with the bump in jenkins-test-harness which fails tests if it can not clear up the temporary directory (which is painful to diagnose if retries kick in) (and more so if you run on windows)