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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-60818

Parameterized Remote Trigger Remote build URL ERROR

      local  jenkins :

      remote jenkins :

      I add a  pipeline project on local jenkins ,when  I start the local project ,I got this messages:

      remote jenkins URL  PORT  changed


      changed to  

      Parameterized Remote Trigger Configuration:

      • job: release.environment.firewall
      • remoteJenkinsName: server13
      • parameters:
      • blockBuildUntilComplete: true
      • connectionRetryLimit: 5
      • trustAllCertificates: true
        Triggering non-parameterized remote job ''
        Using globally defined 'Token Authentication' as user 'remoteuser'
        Triggering remote job now.
        reuse cached crumb:
        The remote job is pending. Waiting for next available executor.
        Remote job queue number: 279
        Waiting for remote build to be executed...
        Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.Remote build started!
        Remote build URL:
        Remote build number: 6
        Blocking local job until remote job completes.

          [JENKINS-60818] Parameterized Remote Trigger Remote build URL ERROR

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