Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.190.3 LTS
Gerrit 3.0.3
LDAP login
We are using LDAP login for our Gerrit instance. For REST calls (including repo cloning) you must generate an HTTP password that is different from the LDAP login.
The gerrit-code-review-plugin currently does not permit setting the httpPassword flag (https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-rest-java-client/blob/v0.8.15/src/main/java/com/urswolfer/gerrit/client/rest/GerritAuthData.java#L101)
This is causing us to see the following in the gerrit logs:
[2020-01-22 01:35:58,480] [HTTP-21816] WARN com.google.gerrit.httpd.auth.ldap.LdapLoginServlet : 'jenkins-ci' failed to sign in: Incorrect username or password
POST to gerrit-server.com/a/changes/<change id>/revisions/<patchset number>/review
This appears to be discussed in this issue and resolved in PR#70
Wish I've looked here last week. I've debugged and fixed the issue, see https://review.gerrithub.io/c/jenkinsci/gerrit-code-review-plugin/+/484902