Resolution: Unresolved
The Cucumber Slack Notifier plugin's global configuration doesn't seem to work with Casc
- Jenkins version: - 2.204.2
- CasC version - 1.35
- cucumber-slack-notifier - 0.8.3
- My original ticket: https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/issues/1271
- Page that brought me here: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Plugins+compatibility+with+Jenkins+Configuration-as-Code+plugin#PluginscompatibilitywithJenkinsConfiguration-as-Codeplugin-Knownissuesandresolutions
Assuming there is no CasC support on the horizon, does anybody have any tips for configuring the plugin from groovy? I have no idea how to do that. (If we figure that out I could use jcasc-groovy as a workaround.)