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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-61236

Cannot use HTTP endpoint and custom port


      The Bitbucket plugin does not appear to retain custom port/protocol configurations for Bitbucket Server. Instead it always defaults back to HTTPS/port 443.

      I am trying to connect to an internally-exposed Kubernetes service endpoint http://bitbucket-svc:7990.

      I can connect to the endpoint at the Manage System configuration page and even when I'm creating my Jenkins pipeline job. However, when I try to build the project, I can see in the logs it's connecting via HTTPS.

      Steps to replicate:

      • Configure the Bitbucket server location to use the default Bitbucket HTTP port 7990.
      • Connect successfully from Manage System and pipeline job configuration
      • Click "Build Now" and observe the protocol/port the plugin tries to connect to

        1. Screen Shot 2020-02-26 at 8.51.31 AM.png
          84 kB
          James Clem
        2. Screenshot_20200707_163505.png
          115 kB
          Martin Henschke
        3. jenkins-bitbucket-plugin.png
          57 kB
          James Clem

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            jclem1030 James Clem
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