Resolution: Unresolved
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We are using Job DSL version 1.76 and Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.36 and getting following error
No signature of method:
javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.publisher.DownstreamTriggerContext.currentBuild() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
No signature of method: javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.publisher.DownstreamTriggerContext.propertiesFile() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) values: [build.properties, true]
These methods used to work when we used job dsl version 1.42 and Parameterized Trigger 2.30
We are using jenkins version 2.204.1
[JENKINS-61252] Few methods of DownstreamTriggerContext not working
I'm not able to attach the file since it says could read stream , so adding the code if the below script is copied and if we search the word "problem" that is the line where the error occured for me. Thanks.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper file = "$WORKSPACE/$PIPELINE_CONFIG" println "Reading config file: " + file contents = new File(file).text def description = new JsonSlurper().parseText(contents) accessKey = null secretKey = null marathonUsername = null marathonPassword = null TEMPLATE_MAP = [ "mvn-build" : 'M-template-common-ci-build', "mvn-release" : 'M-template-common-decp-maven-release', "deploy-rtf" : 'M-template-common-rtf-deploy', "deploy-decp" : 'M-template-common-decp-deploy', "app-verify" : 'M-template-common-verify', "config-checker" : 'M-template-common-config-checker', "resource-checker": 'M-template-common-resource-checker', "gate" : 'M-template-common-gate', "rollback" : 'M-template-common-decp-rollback', "decp-docker-push" : 'M-template-common-decp-china-docker-push' ] //jobs = [] description.jobs.each { def config = it config = injectKeysIntoConfig(config) config = injectBlockOnIntoConfig(config) if (!TEMPLATE_MAP.containsKey(config.type)) { throw new Exception("Unknown job type: $config.type") } template = TEMPLATE_MAP.get(config.type) if (config.type.toLowerCase().contains('mvn-')) { job = MavenJobBuilder(config, template) } else { job = JobBuilder(config, template) } job.withDownstreamJob() .withBlockOn() .withParameters() .withMaxBuilds() .withSvnUrl() .withGitUrl() .withBuildTrigger() .withMaven() .withEnabled() .withDisabled() .withEnvVars() .withAwsKeys() .withAwsLambdas() .withMarathonCredentials() .withCodeDeploy() .withCucumberTests() .withPublishBuildInfo() .build() } description.views.each { def config = it switch (config.type) { case "view-build-pipeline": viewBuildPipeline(config) break default: throw new Exception("Unknown view type: $config.type") } } /* Configuration setup */ def injectKeysIntoConfig(config) { if (config.injectJobKeys) { switch (config.environment) { case "dev": accessKey = "$jenkins_dev_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_dev_secret_key" break case "dev2": if (binding.variables.containsKey("jenkins_dev2_access_key")) { accessKey = "$jenkins_dev2_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_dev2_secret_key" } else { accessKey = "$jenkins_dev_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_dev_secret_key" } break case "test": accessKey = "$jenkins_test_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_test_secret_key" break case "stage": accessKey = "$jenkins_stage_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_stage_secret_key" break case "cnstage": accessKey = "$jenkins_cnstage_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_cnstage_secret_key" break case "prod": accessKey = "$jenkins_prod_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_prod_secret_key" break case "cnprod": accessKey = "$jenkins_cnprod_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_cnprod_secret_key" break default: throw new Exception("Unknown environment type: $config.environment") break } config.accessKey = accessKey config.secretKey = secretKey config.marathonUsername = marathonUsername config.marathonPassword = marathonPassword } return config } def injectBlockOnIntoConfig(config) { blockOn = config.blockOn if (blockOn == null) { config.blockOn = [] } return config } /* Job creation */ def JobBuilder(config, template) { _job = job(config.name) { using(template) } config._job = _job return new _JobBuilder(config) } def MavenJobBuilder(config, template) { _job = mavenJob(config.name) { using(template) } config._job = _job return new _JobBuilder(config) } public class _JobBuilder { def job def config def envVars _JobBuilder(config) { this.config = config this.job = config._job this.envVars = [:] withEnvVar('app_env', this.config.environment) } def build() { def props = new Properties() if (this.job.node?.properties[0]?.'EnvInjectJobProperty'[0]) { def templateVars = this.job.node.properties[0].'EnvInjectJobProperty'[0].info[0].propertiesContent[0].value().get(0) props.load(new StringReader(templateVars)) } this.envVars.each { key, value -> props.setProperty(key, value) } this.job.with { environmentVariables { envs(props) } } } def withDownstreamJob() { this.job.with { publishers { if (this.config.nextJob) { downstream(this.config.nextJob) } else if (this.config.nextParameterizedJob) { downstreamParameterized { trigger(this.config.nextParameterizedJob.name) { currentBuild() //the problem occurs on this line if (this.config.nextParameterizedJob.parameterFile) { propertiesFile(this.config.nextParameterizedJob.parameterFile, true) } if (this.config.nextParameterizedJob.predefinedParameters) { this.config.nextParameterizedJob.predefinedParameters.each { key, value -> predefinedProp(key, value) } } } } } else if (this.config.nextManualJob) { buildPipelineTrigger(this.config.nextManualJob) { parameters { currentBuild() } } } } } return this } def withParameters() { this.job.with { if (this.config.parameters) { parameters { this.config.parameters.each { parameter -> switch (parameter.type) { case "string": stringParam(parameter.name, parameter.default ?: null, parameter.description ?: parameter.name) break } } } } } return this } def withMaxBuilds() { this.job.with { if (this.config.maxBuilds) { logRotator(this.config.maxBuilds.days ?: -1, this.config.maxBuilds.number ?: -1, this.config.maxBuilds.artifactDays ?: -1, this.config.maxBuilds.artifactNumber ?: -1) } else { logRotator { numToKeep(30) } } } return this } def withBlockOn() { this.job.with { if (!this.config.blockOn.empty) { blockOn(this.config.blockOn) } } return this } def withGitUrl() { this.job.with { if (this.config.git) { scm { git( this.config.git.url, this.config.git.branch ?: '*/master', { node -> if (this.config.git.pollingExcludedUsers) { node / 'extensions' / 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.UserExclusion' { excludedUsers(this.config.git.pollingExcludedUsers) } } if (this.config.git.localBranch) { node / 'extensions' / 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch' { localBranch(this.config.git.localBranch) } } } ) } } } return this } def withBuildTrigger() { this.job.with { if (this.config.withTrigger) { triggers { scm("H/5 * * * *") } } } return this } def withMaven() { this.job.with { if (this.config.maven) { if (this.config.maven.version) { mavenInstallation(this.config.maven.version) } if (this.config.maven.pom) { rootPOM(this.config.maven.pom) } if (this.config.maven.goals) { goals(this.config.maven.goals) } if (this.config.maven.opts) { mavenOpts(this.config.maven.opts) } } } return this } def withDisabled() { println "disabling job " + this.config.name this.job.with { if (config.withDisabled) { disabled(true) } } return this } def withEnabled() { println "enabling job " + this.config.name this.job.with { disabled(false) } return this } def withEnvVar(name, value) { this.envVars.put(name, value) return this } def withEnvVars() { if (this.config.environmentVars) { this.config.environmentVars.each { key, value -> withEnvVar(key, value) } } return this } def withEnvInjectPasswordWrapper() { this.job.with { if (this.config.withAwsKeys || this.config.withMarathonCredentials) { configure { project -> // EnvInject is a pain in the a$$ because it doesn't work out of the box // First create the EnvInject body, with empty 'passwordEntries' project / buildWrappers / 'EnvInjectPasswordWrapper' { injectGlobalPasswords false maskPasswordParameters true passwordEntries { } } } } } return this } def withAwsKeys() { this.job.with { if (this.config.withAwsKeys) { configure { project -> // Inject AWS keys from this job project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries / 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY' value this.config.accessKey } project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' value this.config.accessKey } // Inject AWS secret keys from this job by APPENDING project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_SECRET_KEY' value this.config.secretKey } project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' value this.config.secretKey } } } } return this } def withCodeDeploy() { this.job.with { if (this.config.codedeploy) { this.envVars.put("healthcheckUrl", this.config.codedeploy.healthcheckUrl) this.envVars.put("runAsUser", this.config.codedeploy.runAsUser) configure { project -> // AWS CodeDeploy config project / 'publishers' / 'com.amazonaws.codedeploy.AWSCodeDeployPublisher' { // variable config s3prefix this.config.codedeploy.s3prefix s3bucket this.config.codedeploy.s3bucket applicationName this.config.codedeploy.applicationName deploymentGroupName this.config.codedeploy.deploymentGroupName deploymentConfig this.config.codedeploy.deploymentConfig region this.config.codedeploy.region includes this.config.codedeploy.includes excludes this.config.codedeploy.excludes awsAccessKey this.config.accessKey awsSecretKey this.config.secretKey // fix config pollingTimeoutSec 900 pollingFreqSec 15 waitForCompletion true proxyHost " " proxyPort 0 credentials "awsAccessKey" iamRoleArn " " } } } } return this } def withCucumberTests() { this.job.with { if (config.cucumberTestResults) { configure { it / 'publishers' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.cucumber.jsontestsupport.CucumberTestResultArchiver'(plugin: 'cucumber-testresult-plugin') { testResults config.cucumberTestResults } it / 'publishers' / 'net.masterthought.jenkins.CucumberReportPublisher'(plugin: 'cucumber-reports') { jsonReportDirectory '' pluginUrlPath '' fileIncludePattern '' fileExcludePattern '' skippedFails(false) undefinedFails(false) noFlashCharts(false) ignoreFailedTests(false) parallelTesting(false) } } } } return this } def withPublishBuildInfo() { this.job.with { if (config.type == "join" && config.publishBuildInfo) { config.publishBuildInfo.projects.each { project -> steps { groovyScriptFile("nexus-scripts/nexus-version-with-timestamp.groovy") { groovyInstallation(config.publishBuildInfo.groovyVersion) prop("nexus_project_path", project.nexusProjectPath) prop("build_version_var_name", project.projectName + "_version") prop("build_timestamp_var_name", project.projectName + "_timestamp") prop("build_properties_file_name", config.publishBuildInfo.propertiesFileName) } } } } } return this } def withAwsLambdas() { this.job.with { if (config.awsLambdas) { configure { project -> def lambdaDefaults = config.awsLambdas.defaults config.awsLambdas.functions.each { function -> project / 'builders' << 'com.xti.jenkins.plugin.awslambda.upload.LambdaUploadBuildStep' { delegate.lambdaUploadBuildStepVariables { delegate.useInstanceCredentials function.useInstanceCredentials ?: lambdaDefaults.useInstanceCredentials ?: false delegate.awsAccessKeyId(this.config.accessKey) delegate.awsSecretKey(new hudson.util.Secret(this.config.secretKey).getEncryptedValue()) delegate.awsRegion(function.awsRegion ?: lambdaDefaults.awsRegion ?: '') delegate.artifactLocation(function.artifactLocation ?: lambdaDefaults.artifactLocation ?: '') delegate.description(function.description ?: '') delegate.functionName(function.functionName ?: '') delegate.handler(function.handler ?: '') delegate.memorySize(function.memorySize ?: lambdaDefaults.memorySize ?: '') delegate.role(function.role ?: lambdaDefaults.role ?: '') delegate.runtime(function.runtime ?: lambdaDefaults.runtime ?: '') delegate.timeout(function.timeout ?: lambdaDefaults.timeout ?: '') delegate.updateMode(function.updateMode ?: lambdaDefaults.updateMode ?: '') delegate.publish(function.publish ?: lambdaDefaults.publish ?: false) delegate.alias(function.alias ?: '') delegate.createAlias(function.createAlias ?: false) delegate.subnets(function.subnets ?: lambdaDefaults.subnets ?: '') delegate.securityGroups(function.securityGroups ?: lambdaDefaults.securityGroups ?: '') } } } } } } return this } def withMarathonCredentials() { this.job.with { if (config.withMarathonCredentials) { configure { project -> // Inject Marathon credentials from this job project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries / 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'JENKINS_MARATHON_USERNAME' value this.config.marathonUsername } project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'JENKINS_MARATHON_PASSWORD' value this.config.marathonPassword } } } } return this } } /* Specific View types */ def viewBuildPipeline(config) { buildPipelineView(config.name) { selectedJob(config.firstJob) alwaysAllowManualTrigger() showPipelineParameters() showPipelineParametersInHeaders() displayedBuilds(config.displayedJobs) showPipelineDefinitionHeader() } }
Hi daspilker , Please find below the script in which we are facing the issue.
Please include a script that reproduces the problem.