Resolution: Duplicate
Trying to create a "secret text" (string) credential in a folder using job-dsl. But according to the job-dsl api-viewer, our Jenkins only has the following credential types:
basicSSHUserPrivateKey {}
certificateCredentialsImpl {}
fileSystemServiceAccountCredential {}
openShiftBearerTokenCredentialImpl {}
usernamePasswordCredentialsImpl {}
We can create a string credential manually in the webui. Has "secret text" not been implmemented in job-dsl? I'm expecting a type should exist with properties: scope, id, description, and secret.
Our folder definition starts:
folder("test_folder") { displayName("Test Folder") description("Our test folder") properties { folderCredentialsProperty { domainCredentials { domainCredentials { domain { name("main") description("") } credentials { <WHERE'S THE STRING TYPE?> ....
- blocks
JENKINS-59971 Unable to create folder credentials for plain-credentials-plugin
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