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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-61363

Missbehavior on 'Minimum number of instances' and 'Minimum number of spare instances'

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • ec2-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins ver. 2.223
      ec2 plugin ver. 1.49.1

      I have configured 2 AWS clouds, for example (prodVpc and devVpc) in different regions with 1 AMI in each (with different names)

      It said that 'Minimum number of spare instances' and 'Minimum number of instances' act on per AMI basis.


      > Minimum number of instances=1

      > Minimum number of spare instances=1

      for each ami/cloud i've expected to get 2 ec2 slaves in total:
      1 for prodVpc and 1 for devVpc.
      I get only one ec2 slave instead.

      Changing these parameters values up and down and running jobs i've made a conclusion, that plugin takes in account the total number of fired up by plugin instances, regardless to Cloud name or AMI id.

          [JENKINS-61363] Missbehavior on 'Minimum number of instances' and 'Minimum number of spare instances'

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            thoulen FABRIZIO MANFREDI
            temujin Oleg Anufriev
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