Resolution: Unresolved
If job cannot lock resources, provide finer control, instead of just queuing.
options{ lock( ifLocked:'abort' ,extra:[[resource:'resource1'],[resource:'resource2']]) }
With timeout field ? JENKINS-41699
options{ lock( timeout: 4, onTimeout:'abort' ,extra:[[resource:'resource1'],[resource:'resource2']]) }
This pipeline demonstrates the desired effect, but is unusable inside the sandbox.
/* First build acquires one of two locks. Second build acquires the second lock, but the resource check step aborts the job if all locks are used up. Additional builds will queue and eventually fall into one of the first two scenarios */ //envLock = [envResource1, envResource2] //workspaceLock = [wsResource1, wsResouece2] import org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.LockableResourcesManager as LockMan def envLock = 'envLock' def workspaceLock = 'workSpaceLock' pipeline{ options { lock(extra: [[label:envLock, quantity: 1], [label:workspaceLock, quantity: 1]]) } stages { stage('Resource Availability Check'){ when { expression { LockMan.get().getFreeResourceAmount(envLock) == 0 || LockMan.get().getFreeResourceAmount(workspaceLock) == 0 } } steps{ script{ currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED' error('Some other Pipeline is already using the resources, please try again later.') } } } stage('Install/Update Tools'){ steps{ echo ("./gradlew install") }} }}
- is related to
JENKINS-48603 Add a 'nowait' option to the lockable resources plugin
- Open
JENKINS-41699 Add a timeout field
- Open