Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins version: 2.222.1
OS: Windows Server 2016
Browser: Google Chrome Version 80.0.3987.149
Plugins: a large list, not sure which are relevant
I have a master node, and I just added a slave node running as a service. A single machine runs jenkins, the master node, and the slave node. Both master and slave nodes have labels, and they are both connected and running. However, in attempting to set up a project to build on this slave node as per https://scmquest.com/jenkins-master-slave-setup-and-configuration-with-screenshots/ the "Restrict where this project can be run" option is missing from the "general" section. On a single branch project, I see the options "Discard old builds," "Do not allow concurrent builds ," and "Do not allow the pipeline to resume if the master restarts." But not the actual option i need: "Restrict where this project can be run." In a multibranch project, I don't see any additional options at all.
I'm at a loss of how to proceed from here. I can try using another plugin to restrict which nodes build which project as a workaround to this broken feature, but it would be nice if the feature just worked. Is there further troubleshooting I can perform at my end?
stevesmithbsci I assume you are trying to set this option for Pipeline jobs. "Restrict where this project can be run" exists only for Freestyle and other classic project types, for Pipeline you should use node(label) steps within your Pipeline definition. For Declarative Pipeline there is a similar "agent()" definition