Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins Version: 2.204.5
I am using DSL for the Jenkins pipeline as code. This particular piece of code runs fine .
pipeline { agent { label 'master' } stages { stage('test script') { steps { script { env.Environment_Name = input(id: 'Env', message: 'Select Environment', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: 'test-1\ntest-2\ntest-3', description: '', name: '']]) println ".... $Environment_Name" def allCreds = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "cat $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$Environment_Name/config.xml | grep \"<id>\" | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d'<' -f1").trim().split('\n').join('\n') println "----- $allCreds" env.Cred_Name = input(id: 'Cred', message: 'Select Credential to Update', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: allCreds, description: '', name: '']]) println "----- $Cred_Name" env.User_Name = input(id: 'User_Name', message: 'Enter Username', parameters: [[$class: 'TextParameterDefinition', description: 'Username', name: 'User_Name']]) } } } stage('print the variables') { steps { echo "${Environment_Name}" echo "${User_Name}" } } } }
But when I add environment block to this code it fails with the following exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at hudson.MarkupText.rangeCheck(MarkupText.java:276)
pipeline { agent { label 'master' } environment { JENKINS_CREDS = credentials('JENKINS_CREDS') } stages { stage('test script') { steps { script { env.Environment_Name = input(id: 'Env', message: 'Select Environment', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: 'test-1\ntest-2\ntest-3', description: '', name: '']]) println ".... $Environment_Name" def allCreds = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "cat $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$Environment_Name/config.xml | grep \"<id>\" | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d'<' -f1").trim().split('\n').join('\n') println "----- $allCreds" env.Cred_Name = input(id: 'Cred', message: 'Select Credential to Update', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: allCreds, description: '', name: '']]) println "----- $Cred_Name" env.User_Name = input(id: 'User_Name', message: 'Enter Username', parameters: [[$class: 'TextParameterDefinition', description: 'Username', name: 'User_Name']]) } } } stage('print the variables') { steps { echo "${Environment_Name}" echo "${User_Name}" echo "${JENKINS_CREDS_USR}" } } } }
I have tested this code against the Jenkins version 2.222.1 and it runs without an error but fails when running in the version 2.204.5.
Updated the formatting of your examples.
What is the full stacktrace you're seeing (in text form, rather than screenshot)?
Is the id of your credential JENKINS_CREDS ?
Have you tried changing the env variable name?
Have your tried using a different credential id?