• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.204.1, BFA 1.25.0

      Im attempting to retrieve BFA scan results during the post step of a pipeline build using the following (using the HTTP Request plugin):

      String test = BUILD_URL + 'api/xml?tree=actions[foundFailureCauses[*]]'
      def response = httpRequest test
      println('Response: '+ response.content)

      When I go to the URL after the build completes, I see this:

      {"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun","actions":[{"_class":"hudson.model.ParametersAction"},{"_class":"hudson.model.CauseAction"},{},{"_class":"jenkins.metrics.impl.TimeInQueueAction"},{},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.EnvActionImpl"},{},{},{"_class":"com.sonyericsson.jenkins.plugins.bfa.model.FailureCauseBuildAction","foundFailureCauses":[{"categories":["Testing"],"description":"FOR TESTING","id":"da7cf326-1eb8-4d8c-939b-f46654bdc73b","name":"Testing BFA Failure"}]},{},{},{},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.actions.RestartDeclarativePipelineAction"},{},{"_class":"org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.views.FlowGraphAction"},{},{},{},{}]}

      The above contains an entry for the BFA failure causes. However, if I use the groovy code to access that same URL during the run, I get:


      This result has no mention of any BFA results. 

      Is it not possible to query BFA results during a run? Or did I miss something?

          [JENKINS-62399] BFA Results Unavailable During Run

          Markus Winter added a comment -

          Looking at the source code the analysis is done after the job is finalized (job has completely finished).

          Markus Winter added a comment - Looking at the source code the analysis is done after the job is finalized (job has completely finished).

          You can use the token macro to get the results of the Build Failure analyzer

          David Beleznay added a comment - You can use the token macro to get the results of the Build Failure analyzer

            t_westling Tomas Westling
            gfredley Garrett Fredley
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