New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.222.4
hp-application-automation-tools-plugin 6.2
Can you please provide support for the JCasC plugin?
Currently the JCasC's yaml generator (http://hostname/configuration-as-code/viewExport) is not returning anything for hp-application-automation-tools-plugin.
Thank you.
Hey Alberto,
We are not so familiar with the JCasC plugin but, based on what we've figured out from their documentation https://plugins.jenkins.io/configuration-as-code/ and https://www.praqma.com/stories/start-jenkins-config-as-code/, we think that if a plugin is not supported by the JCasC plugin you have to open a ticket to them about it.
On their "Supported plugins" section inside the documentation you can find the following link: https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=18341 that is "for known compatibility issues".