Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins version: 2.174
Google Play Publisher Plugin version: 3.0
We are currently experiencing an issue where we cannot upload an APK to the Google Play Developer Console using the `androidApkUpload` function.
We call this function like so:
androidApkUpload googleCredentialsId: 'our-key', filesPattern: '**/our-apk.apk', trackName: 'internal', recentChangeList: [ [language: 'en-US', text: "Our release notes"] ]
And receive the following error message:
Upload failed:
- APK is not a valid ZIP archive
I can confirm that the APK is in fact a valid zip archive by renaming the file extension to .zip and successfully unzipping the contents. We can take the same APK and manually upload it successfully.
We have been using this plugin without this issue for a couple of years now and haven't changed the configuration for a while so I'm not sure the issue is on our end.