Resolution: Unresolved
kubernetes v1.18.6
install jenkins
helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/ kubectl create ns jenkins helm install jenkins \ --namespace jenkins \ --set master.adminUser=admin \ --set master.adminPassword="jenkins@123" \ --set master.serviceType=NodePort \ --set master.nodePort=30080 \ --set master.initContainerEnv[0].name=JENKINS_UC \ --set master.initContainerEnv[0].value="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/jenkins/updates/update-center.json/" \ --set master.initContainerEnv[1].name=JENKINS_UC_DOWNLOAD \ --set master.initContainerEnv[1].value="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/jenkins/" \ --set persistence.storageClass=longhorn \ --set persistence.size=10Gi \ stable/jenkins
when restart jenkins, my pipeline plugin will get error and not possible to use
Warning: This plugin has dependencies on other plugins that require Jenkins 2.248 or newer. Jenkins will refuse to load the dependencies requiring a newer version of Jenkins, and in turn loading this plugin will fail. Warning: This plugin is built for Jenkins 2.248 or newer. Jenkins will refuse to load this plugin if installed.
and there have no any way to resolve ? to upgrade jenkins? so stupid
A bug in the data from the Jenkins update center may have been at the root of this issue. The update center issue was corrected Sep 10, 2020.
Alternately, you could configure the Jenkins installation to use a specific version (2.35 or earlier) of the workflow durable task step plugin in the installation.
Alternately, you could use Jenkins 2.249.1, the most recent LTS release.