Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins V: 2.164.3
Ec2 plugin: 1.49.1
I'm running my pipeline with 11 codeploy in parallel, but after some time it get stuck. (See screenshot: Screenshot from 2020-10-02 09-04-59.png)
Checking logs I'm getting the following errors
[Pipeline] pwd [Pipeline] sh { "family": "xxx-xxxx-xxxx-sandbox-xxx-xxxxxx-service", "taskRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxx:role/xxxx-xxx-xxx-sandbox-xxxx-xxxxxx-service", "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxx:role/service-role/ecs-task-execution", "networkMode": "awsvpc", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "xxxx-xxxxx-service", "image": "xxxxxxxx.dkr.ecr.us-xxxxx-1.amazonaws.com/xxxx-xxxxxx-service:1.1.1", "cpu": 256, "memory": 1024, "essential": true, "dockerLabels": { }, "mountPoints": [ ], "environment": [ { "name": "xxxxxxx", "value": "qa" }, { "name": "xxxxxx", "value": "xxx.xx.x.x:xxxx" }, { "name": "xxxxx", "value": "xxxxx/xxx-xxxx/xxxx-sandbox" }, Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException { Cannot contact EC2 (xxxxxxx) - xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx.xxxxxx docker (i-xxxxxxxxxx): java.lang.InterruptedException "name": "xxxxxxxx", "value": "xxxxxxx-sandbox" },
As a work around I noticed it only allows me to run 5 in parallel, so the question is, what is causing that running 10 in parallel gets stuck? Is there a missing configuration?