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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-63894

Build not triggered following a bitbucket commit


      Having configured the Bitbucket Server Integration in Jenkins, I then created a freestyle job to my Bitbucket repo.  The problem is that when I commit a change to Bitbucket, the jenkins job is not being called and I am seeing the following error in the Bitbucket log:

      [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-15] c.a.w.i.p.DefaultWebhookDispatcher Webhook invocation [a9ba75ab-47c0-4ae3-8557-7736490fe976] to https://example.com/bitbucket-server-webhook/trigger failed with an error.

      There does not seem to be any more information available even if change the logging level in  Bitbucket to DEBUG.

      My Jenkins version: 2.222.1

      Bitbucket Server Integration plugin version: 1.1.0

      Bitbucket Server version: 6.10.5

      Both Jenkins and Bitbucket server have valid DigiCert SSL certificates.

      Can you please assist/advise me on what how to resolve this problem.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            philshakes_mc Philip Shakespeare
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