oh nice, the html adds info
<script src='/adjuncts/a2f4acbc/lib/form/link/link.js' type='text/javascript'></script><a href="checkUpdatesServer" class="post yui-button yui-submit-button submit-button primary">Check now</a><div class="error">There were errors checking the update sites: IllegalArgumentException: Could not find (numeric) updateCenterVersion in {};
digitalData.page = {
pageName: 'Open Source Security & License Compliance | Black Duck Software',
pageURL: 'https://www.blackducksoftware.com/'
pageType: '',
primaryCategory: 'Software Integrity',
subCategory2: 'n\/a',
subCategory3: 'n\/a',
subCategory4: 'n\/a',
subCategory5: 'n\/a'
is where things start being escaped.
My immediate guesses are its either the blackduck plugin - blackduck-detect
or more likely, your pointed at an outdated update center. Can you give us the update center url on the last tab of the plugin manager? Default url is https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json

oh nice, the html adds info
<script src='/adjuncts/a2f4acbc/lib/form/link/link.js' type='text/javascript'></script><a href="checkUpdatesServer" class="post yui-button yui-submit-button submit-button primary">Check now</a><div class="error">There were errors checking the update sites: IllegalArgumentException: Could not find (numeric) updateCenterVersion in {};
{ pageName: 'Open Source Security & License Compliance | Black Duck Software', pageURL: 'https://www.blackducksoftware.com/' }digitalData.page = {
{ pageType: '', primaryCategory: 'Software Integrity', subCategory2: 'n\/a', subCategory3: 'n\/a', subCategory4: 'n\/a', subCategory5: 'n\/a' }category:
is where things start being escaped.
My immediate guesses are its either the blackduck plugin - blackduck-detect
or more likely, your pointed at an outdated update center. Can you give us the update center url on the last tab of the plugin manager? Default url is https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json