Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 2.249.2
lockable-resources-plugin 2.10
kubernetes-plugin 1.27.3
My Jenkins is running in a Kubernetes cluster and all pipelines run in pod.
I'd like to limit the number of pipelines running in parallel: I'd like an executor limitation like we have when we were running all pipelines in master.
I'm using lockable resources plugin.
My expecting implementation was something like:
pipeline { agent { kubernetes { label 'test-lock' yaml libraryResource('my-pod.yaml') } } options { lock(label: 'forge-executor', quantity: 1, variable: 'forgeExecutor') } stages { stage('echo') { steps { echo "OK" script { def outcome = input message: 'Please select', parameters: [ [name: 'myChoice', description: 'My choice', choices: 'Choice 1\nChoice 2\nChoice 3', $class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition'] ] } } } } }
OK, the pipeline doesn't execute any stages if it cannot lock, but Kubernetes resources are used.
I try to add when block with beforeAgent option in, but when block is only allowed at stage level.
So I found a workaround: don't set any main agent and have one top stage with when condition:
pipeline { agent none stages { stage('lock') { agent { kubernetes { label 'test-lock' yaml libraryResource('my-pod.yaml') } } when { beforeAgent true equals(expected: true, actual:true) } options { lock(label: 'forge-executor', quantity: 1, variable: 'forgeExecutor') } stages { stage('echo') { steps { echo "OK" script { def outcome = input message: 'Please select', parameters: [ [name: 'myChoice', description: 'My choice', choices: 'Choice 1\nChoice 2\nChoice 3', $class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition'] ] } } } } } } }
Or more simple
pipeline { agent none options { lock(label: 'forge-executor', quantity: 1, variable: 'forgeExecutor') } stages { stage('lock') { agent { kubernetes { label 'test-lock' yaml libraryResource('my-pod.yaml') } } stages { stage('echo') { steps { echo "OK" script { def outcome = input message: 'Please select', parameters: [ [name: 'myChoice', description: 'My choice', choices: 'Choice 1\nChoice 2\nChoice 3', $class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition'] ] } } } } } } }
IMO, the pipeline should not take any resources if it can lock expected resource and should stay in queue.
This isn't related to kubernetes plugin or lockable resources. This is a limitation of using declarative pipelines, and you found a workaround.