Resolution: Fixed
centos, 2.264.1
Report all issues with a complete plugin list, and a screenshot
curl -sSL "http://$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath=/*/*/shortName|/*/*/version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g'|sed 's/ /:/'
Check if your plugin already has an issue reported https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=20741 artifactory is https://github.com/jfrog/jenkins-artifactory-plugin/issues/350
If you know which plugin is causing the issue report a new issue, including steps to reproduce and screenshots and label it with 'tables-to-divs-regression'
How to identify which plugin is causing the issue
1. check plugins list against open issues on https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=20741
2. then if no open issue matches:
- disable plugins in groups of about 10 and record which ones you disabled
- Restart Jenkins
- If you can still reproduce keep disabling
- Once you can't reproduce enable plugins one by one until you find which one it is
- Then report an issue with the label 'tables-to-divs-regression'
How to triage someone else's issue
1. check plugins list against open issues on https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=20741
2. then if no open issue matches:
curl https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/attachment/53350/53350_jenkins-basith-16112020.txt | sort > abdul-bas-plugins.txt cat abdul-bas-plugins.txt | cut -d ':' -f 1 | sort > plugins.filtered.txt # remove versions as CLI complains when old versions are there wget https://github.com/jenkinsci/plugin-installation-manager-tool/releases/download/2.1.2/jenkins-plugin-manager-2.1.2.jar wget https://get.jenkins.io/war/2.266/jenkins.war export JENKINS_HOME=~/.jenkins-64072 java -jar jenkins-plugin-manager-2.1.2.jar -f abdul-bas-plugins.txt -d ~/.jenkins-64072/plugins --war jenkins.war java -jar jenkins.war
- Normally create a new freestyle job and then reproduce the issue, (requires enough information with steps to reproduce, sometimes it is a different page or requires specific config)
- Once reproduced disable plugins in groups of about 10 and record which ones you disabled
- Restart Jenkins
- If you can still reproduce keep disabling
- Once you can't reproduce enable plugins one by one until you find which one it is
- Then report an issue with the label 'tables-to-divs-regression'
original text
After upgrade to 2.264.1 via yum package, the confgure UI of all my projects was borked, showing things that the project didn't support, preventing modification and updates to jobs. Jobs were still running correctly however. Looking at JavaScript console there were alot of errors in js files. console log attached.
Fixed by downgrading to 2.263.1 via yum downgrade and temporarily locking the version. While the UI appears better in 2.263.1, some boxes are still long and an error is still received in the console:
hudson-behavior.js:2982 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')'
at onSuccess (combobox.js:19)
at klass.respondToReadyState (prototype.js:1657)
at klass.onStateChange (prototype.js:1600)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (prototype.js:414)
- jenkins_plugins_list
- 15 kB
- finland-image1.PNG
- 29 kB
- plugins-2.txt
- 3 kB
- Project1.png
- 1.22 MB
- Project2.png
- 1.01 MB
- configureClouds.png
- 292 kB
- 1.txt
- 3 kB
- jsErrors.png
- 97 kB
- issues.png
- 60 kB
- branch-api.png
- 14 kB
- plugins-1.txt
- 7 kB
- plugin.txt
- 7 kB
- plugins.txt
- 5 kB
- Plugins.txt
- 4 kB
- plugins.txt
- 2 kB
- jenkins_plugins.xml
- 10 kB
- causes
JENKINS-65505 Cannot save job configuration for maven projects with Jenkins 2.289
- Closed
- is blocking
JENKINS-64118 Error in Config page of XL Deploy Plugin after upgrade to 2.264
- Fixed but Unreleased
- is related to
JENKINS-64054 http-request breaks /configure layout
- Resolved
JENKINS-64078 Publish over SSH broken on 2.264
- Resolved
JENKINS-64081 URLTrigger broken on 2.264
- Resolved
JENKINS-64069 Unable to select a branch source when creating new multi-branch item.
- Resolved
JENKINS-64147 EC2 Plugin Configuration broken in 2.264
- Resolved
JENKINS-64139 FSTrigger broken with tables to divs
- Resolved
JENKINS-64228 Content Replace Plugin breaks job config post jenkins 2.264
- Resolved
JENKINS-64236 Publish over CIFS is broken on 2.264
- Resolved
JENKINS-62910 conditional-buildstep-plugin impacted by tables-to-divs changes
- Resolved
JENKINS-65170 Publish over SSH not displaying Standard Out/Error in Console
- Closed
- relates to
JENKINS-62800 plot plugin broken on Jenkins >2.263
- Closed
- links to
[JENKINS-64072] Configure UI completely broken after upgrade to 2.264
amidar have you considered offering to maintain the ClearCase plugin yourself? If you're a ClearCase user, then that likely means you have access to an environment where you could test changes that you make to the ClearCase plugin. Companies that depend on ClearCase are often deeply attached to it because of the large cost to switch to another SCM system. Since your company has already accepted that they won't spend the money to switch to another SCM system, you could ask them instead to fund a person to maintain the Jenkins ClearCase plugin for your use. Your company would benefit from a working ClearCase plugin and the Jenkins community would benefit from your company's work on the plugin.
Unless you have a support contract with Praqma Support, I would not expect them to do any maintenance on the ClearCase plugin. ClearCase is not a heavily used SCM system and it is unlikely that they have access to a ClearCase system any longer.
ruslan_y2020 your issue appears to be the TFS plugin,
that is tracked here: JENKINS-64241
Note the TFS plugin is currently suspended from distribution see INFRA-2751
chasepeeler your issue is the notifications plugin JENKINS-64254, fix is here https://github.com/jenkinsci/notification-plugin/pull/40
and a pre-release version is https://ci.jenkins.io/job/Plugins/job/notification-plugin/job/PR-40/11/artifact/target/notification.hpi
jstr I am unable to reproduce your issue.
Either it has been fixed, I'm missing something, or it's one of the 10 plugins that you have that are either suspended or not distributed from the Jenkins update center.
plugins I couldn't install:
dynamicparameter encryption-tool-runner fileoperations-tool-runner languagerelease-tool-runner propsfileupdater-tool-runner setversion-tool-runner sign-files-plugin translation-tool-runner trex-runner tron-runner
markewaite, regarding your answer on ClearCase - our company moved two years ago to GitLab. since we still have a LOT of legacy, there are still some projects maintained in ClearCase. as much as I would love having the time to maintain the ClearCase plugin, it has no future within our company (and might I add - the entire world).
no sane manager would allocate money/person/time for such a task, I think it would be much easier maintaining a Jenkins server for the legacy projects (on the latest 2.263 LTS line) and another server for everyone else....
sometimes we must admit that backward compatibility breaks - and I have to say I think this time has arrived for us... (unless ewel will prove me wrong, ofcourse... )
timja Thank you for trying to reproduce the issue.
I checked again today after applying all outstanding updates. I don't see any change. What's still happening, or what the issue may have been reduced to, is a premature bottom end of the list of build steps. The remaining ones are then no longer framed with spacing on the left and right and a grey background. Those build steps that exceed the correctly rendered part of the build step list can then also no longer be dragged and dropped to a different position. Other build steps appear in an entire visual column next to the configure space.
The common denominator between those bugs seems to be the css class "repeated-chunk".
As for the list of plugins you couldn't install, they're all just in-house clones of the Windows Exe Runner plugin, serving as a wrapper/command-line argument sanitizer for smaller tools on the build server. They're not shared publicly since there really isn't any benefit other than parameter-hand-holding. I uploaded one of them to github for the purposes of transparency.
None of them do any more in terms of UI than provide a jelly and a properties file for the installation and the build step each.
jstr can you please upload a full page screenshot or at least a screenshot where the page breaks?
The css class is a symptom of the issue but not really relevant in tracking down where the issue is.
in most cases it's a matter of checking the last plugin before the UI breaks
We're having the same issue but in the configureClouds page. other configuration pages seems fine.
I we're using at least two plugins that are listed here as causing issues (branch-api and env-inject), but since we have production assets relying on this server, I can't currently work on triaging the plugins to figure out which one is causing it or if upgrading the branch-api plugin will fix it.
I need to downgrade the version so we'll be able to work properly. But in case some one can/want to try and pinpoint the issue
Added screenshot configureClouds.png
Jenkins version is 2.271. Used plugins: jenkins_plugins.txt
timja Absolutely, they are attached as Project 1 and Project 2, I merely blackened (well, orange'd) some identifying strings
matangoren you need at least version 1.54 of the EC2 plugin for it to work on >=2.264
jstr reproduced, it required adding a build step to the configuration from the Parameterized Trigger plugin, created JENKINS-64502
davidchin your issue is the environment dashboard plugin, fixed here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/environment-dashboard-plugin/pull/171
The maintainer has been having some issues releasing it, which is tracked here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/environment-dashboard-plugin/issues/173
There's a pre-release version here: https://ci.jenkins.io/job/Plugins/job/environment-dashboard-plugin/job/master/7/artifact/target/environment-dashboard.hpi
cryptomatt I can't reproduce your issue, there's been some branch-api fixes so make sure you're running on the latest version of Jenkins and branch api
I believe all issues on this thread are triaged now,
Please speak up if I missed you.
Could anyone who is waiting for fixes please vote on the issue(s) they are waiting for, https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=20741
I really wish jira server had emoji reactions so you could upvote or downvote this comment if your instance is fixed now
I had the same issue where I couldn't click Save or Apply on any config UI.
Had to remove a couple of old plug-ins to resolve it.
- FindBugs Plug-in
- PMD Plug-in
Had the same issue with the perforce plugin https://plugins.jenkins.io/p4/ possibly because it was used inside the multiple scm plugin https://plugins.jenkins.io/multiple-scms/
Disabling the perforce plugin and keeping multiple scm solved the issue.
timja I'm not sure if this is related - so please let me know and I'll raise a separate issue.
We've just upgraded to the latest version and we're using the priority sorter plugin, however, making changes in it's UI produces the following errors still.
thehosh I created JENKINS-64694 to cover that, there's a pull request open to fix it.
I updated to latest 2.277 in our staging environment today and ran all available plugin updates.
I've tried disabling CVS and Naginator plugins - no success.
jvanderzouwenTry disabling 10 plugins at a time then restart Jenkins until you've isolated the plugin causing this issue.
jvanderzouwen I believe fstrigger:0.39 will be at least one causing you problems.
Looks like it is being caused by Active Choices, for me. If I disable it, the problem goes away.
Actually, it might be Scriptler (which I use within Active Choices) – It seems to be affecting Scriptler's "Edit Script" page also.
crussell52 please create an issue for each of those plugins and add the label 'tables-to-div-regression'
javadevil thanks - I removed and still have the issue. I'm currently diagnosing to see if I can find the magic combination that lets me update
It ended up being 'locks-and-latches' 0.6. I've disabled and now the cascading behavior.js issues have subsided.
Has anyone taken a look at the Publish Over FTP Plugin ( https://plugins.jenkins.io/publish-over-ftp/ ) yet?
I have one job for which the UI is still broken, reproduced it by creating a new job and adding build step by build step, saving and re-opening the configure UI after each step.
Once the Publish Over FTP Plugin was added and the page saved, the next time I hit configure, any steps below that build step were broken.
In case you are having trouble replicating this issue, try placing the Publish Over FTP Build Step in a Conditional Build Steps container (i.e., add it as a conditional step) and have some build steps below the nested Publish Over FTP Build Step and/or another build step below the Conditional Build Step container. I hope that description makes sense.
Full Page Screenshot added, with some identifying texts removed:
Of Note: This is not the only problem with the Publish Over FTP Plugin.
Yes, I know this is out-of-scope for this issue, but the question is, should there be a ticket for it? The plugin is up for adoption, so probably no one will look at it.
Anyways, looking at the full page screenshot, the plugin itself is a bit wonky at the moment in its UI. It seems to want to nest Transfer Sets and Target FTP Servers within the build step, but messes up doing either, creating an ambiguous mess of options that can be multiplied.
jstr https://github.com/jenkinsci/publish-over-ftp-plugin/pull/8 and a duplicate PR at https://github.com/jenkinsci/publish-over-ftp-plugin/pull/9
timja Good spot, thanks! The build artifact for it from ci.jenkins.io also looks fine, just manually applied the latest artifact from 25 minutes ago, and it fixes the UI issue.
So now we (well, everyone else) only need to wait for the upload / PR close.
FTR I am releasing a bunch of the plugins as a part of https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/jenkinsci-dev/c/XXztPiLDPmM .
If you see any issues which have not been reported in https://issues.jenkins.io/issues/?jql=labels%20%3D%20tables-to-divs-regression , please submit separate issues
I'm facing the same issue, after dig into job's config xml file and disable some plugin, the source of issue is Android Lint plugin, uninstall it and problem solved.
In update center of my jenkins, Android Lint plugin is deprecated, click learn more, this page (https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/INFRA-2487) show a list of deprecated plugins, such as FindMyBugs/PMD plugin which is mentioned above.
So when you're facing this issue, please check deprecated plugins in your update center, maybe uninstall those plugins solve this issue.
After an update of Jenkins from 2.263 to 2.291 I faced the issues mentioned here (UI looked strange, changes in job configuration could not be saved).
To get it working again I disabled the following plugins (thanks to Chris Beswick for the instructions how to determine the problem causing plugins fast, see his comment above)
- Promoted Builds plugin (current version 3.9.1, see also
JENKINS-65429) - as already mentioned in earlier comments (see above) all deprecated plugins like:
- Static analysis suite plugins (Checkstyle, DRY, PMD, Findbugs, Violations)
- Multiple SCMs plugin
- Locks and latches plugin
- Continuous integration game
After some trial and error I found that the rbenv plugin 0.0.17 - jenkins version 2.293
here is how to identify and solve
Open developer tools and inspect the page,
Search for "center" and you will eventually find a plugin or section that modifies the entire page:
mine was the div class "optionalBlock-container config_build_environment active"
i tested by changing the align:"center" to align:"left"
the name of the block i was in told me which plugin to disable
once i figured out which class was forcing alignment I disabled the plugin of that dependent via manage jenkins plugins
after a reset none of my configure sections auto realigned to the center.
ricfos javadevil toledoe can you please help me with the same. I randomly get DOMException when I save anything on my Jenkins after the upgrade.
Below is the exact error I get. This was when I was trying to configure the Cloud though;
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "https://domain.com" from accessing a cross-origin frame. at HTMLIFrameElement.<anonymous> (https://domain.com/adjuncts/80bde827/lib/form/apply/apply.js:36:66)
Version : Jenkins 2.289.1
We are facing the same issue. However in our case, i cannot see any error message. Neither in the console log of the browser nor in the jenkins log.
However on the call of the configuration page of a job I can see the following:
couldn't find the expected parent element (.setting-main) for element
unable to find nearby url
Version: Jenkins 2.289.1
I had already issues in the previous LTS Version so I tried to update the Plugin and also revert the Performance Plugin.
I am also facing the similar issue. I have upgraded Jenkins from 2.249.2 to 2.289.1 version. Unable to save the global configuration. We are running Jenkins in containerized environment.
I upgraded from 2.249.1 to 2.289.2 (containerized environment) and did not have the save issue with this list of plugins:
Update to my comment at 2021-05.01 15:05 https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-64072?focusedCommentId=409019&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-409019
With Jenkins 2.293 and promoted builds plugin 3.10 I can save changes in a job config
I also confirm that getting rid of deprecated plugins helped us (again).
What our Jenkins users/admins actually did:
- they upgraded from Jenkins 2.231 to 2.295 and this issue
JENKINS-64072symptoms started appearing - warnings about deprecated plugins were ignored for some time
- then we finally sorted out all deprecated plugins - I our current case we uninstalled Findbugs, PMD and Static Analysis Utilities (analysis-core) and installed their successor "Warnings Next Generation" plugin and all works just fine now
I strongly recommend to pay attention to Jenkins warnings about deprecated plugins and resolve them to avoid unexpected issues of this kind.
I am also facing same issue , post update I am not able to save or apply under configurre system.
Current Jenkins version : Jenkins 2.289.2
All Available Plugins are updated .
amita0316 your list of plugins includes the aws-sqs plugin. It is listed in JENKINS-65834 as known to have issues with tables to divs. When I removed that plugin and disabled the azure-ad plugin, I was able to save the global configuration with your set of plugins.
Your list of plugins also includes the ruby runtime plugin. It should be removed as well, since it does not work with Java 11 and is planned to be deprecated soon.
label-linked-jobs caused our inability to save Jenkins Configuration.
Hi markewaite
Thanks for the reply & it worked for me.
Thank you so much for your help.
Thanks & Regards
I am also facing same issue , post update I am not able to save or apply under configure system.
Current Jenkins version : Jenkins 2.289.2
All Available Plugins are updated.
Below is the list of plugins currently installed -
atul1250 you said
All Available Plugins are updated.
yet I get the following output when I convert your list of plugins to plugins.txt format and run plugin installation manager tool
$ mkdir plugins $ java -jar ../jenkins-plugin-manager-2.10.0.jar --jenkins-version 2.289.2 --latest false \ --plugin-download-directory plugins --view-security-warnings --plugin-file plugins.txt generic-webhook-trigger (1.32): SECURITY-2330 XXE vulnerability https://www.jenkins.io/security/advisory/2021-06-18/#SECURITY-2330 kubernetes (1.12.8): SECURITY-1646 Jenkins controller environment variables accessible https://www.jenkins.io/security/advisory/2020-11-04/#SECURITY-1646 kubernetes (1.12.8): SECURITY-2102 Missing permission check allows listing pod templates https://www.jenkins.io/security/advisory/2020-11-04/#SECURITY-2102 kubernetes (1.12.8): SECURITY-2103 Missing permission check allows enumerating credentials IDs https://www.jenkins.io/security/advisory/2020-11-04/#SECURITY-2103 workflow-cps-global-lib (2.9): SECURITY-1422 Missing permission check https://jenkins.io/security/advisory/2019-07-31/#SECURITY-1422
Those plugins have security warnings. One of the steps in the 2.277.1 upgrade guide and webinar is to resolve all security warnings. In your case, you would do that by upgrading plugins.
In addition to those security warnings, there are many other plugins in your list that have not been upgraded.
I ran the command
$ java -jar ../jenkins-plugin-manager-2.10.0.jar --jenkins-version 2.289.2 \ --plugin-download-directory plugins --plugin-file plugins.txt --no-download \ --available-updates --output txt > x
and compared the output file x with the plugins.txt file that you provided. There are 114 plugins that need to be upgraded. When I upgraded those plugins and ran Jenkins 2.289.2, I was able to save the Jenkins configuration with "Configure system".
Thanks a ton markewaite for looking into this. Will upgrade all the plugins as mentioned as will share the results.
In our case we were able to narrow down the problem by applying the binary sort of disabling the plugins.
In our test environment of jenkins
i followed this approach.
// code placeholder cd $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/ // step 1 ls *.jpi|sort |egrep -v "workflow|pipeline|aws|cas-plugin"|grep -i "^[a-j]"|while read line ; do touch ${line}.disabled ; done systemctl restart jenkins // problem exists when opening the jenkins configure system end point. // https://${jenkins-url}/configure and got error like below. rm -rf [a-j]*.disabled // step 2 ls *.jpi|sort |egrep -v "workflow|pipeline|aws|cas-plugin"|grep -i "^[f-j]"|while read line ; do touch ${line}.disabled ; done systemctl restart jenkins // problem exists when opening the jenkins configure system end point. // https://${jenkins-url}/configure and got error like below. rm -rf [f-j]*.disabled // step 3 ls *.jpi|sort |egrep -v "workflow|pipeline|aws|cas-plugin"|grep -i "^[h-j]"|while read line ; do touch ${line}.disabled ; done systemctl restart jenkins // problem exists when opening the jenkins configure system end point. // https://${jenkins-url}/configure and got error like below. rm -rf [f-j]*.disabled // step 4 ls *.jpi|sort |egrep -v "workflow|pipeline|aws|cas-plugin"|grep -i "^j"|while read line ; do touch ${line}.disabled ; done systemctl restart jenkins // problem exists when opening the jenkins configure system end point. // https://${jenkins-url}/configure and got error like below. and finally i was able to identify when i disabled javadoc.jpi.disabled i was able to load the page normally.
and finally i was able to narrow down the plugin causing the issue for me when i disabled the plugin javadoc. i was able to save the options in Jenkins > Configure System without any problem.
kunaljha5 I'm not aware of any issue in the javadoc plugin related to tables to divs.
Did you follow the instructions in the 2.277.1 upgrade guide and upgrade your plugins to the latest versions? If you did and that still shows an issue in the javadoc plugin, please submit a separate issue for the javadoc plugin. Include precise details of the plugin versions installed on your system and the detailed steps you perform in order to see the problem.
Recently i upgraded the jenkins to 2.319.1
After the upgrade whenever i go to any existing project to make some changes or ever for newly created project the save and apply is looking weird behind as shown in the picture.
I have also uploaded the list of plugins i am using.
Right now all the plugins are updated and no deprecated plugins are used.
I also tried and confirmed not using any of the affected plugins are discussed in this ticket.
Any help will be appreciated..
rajivchirania the list that you uploaded includes the following plugins that are known to have issues with configuration form modernization:
- ivy -
JENKINS-67449- remove the ivy plugin and call ivy from a bat, powershell, or sh script
The list of plugins you have includes deprecated plugins:
- Multiple SCMs - remove the multiple SCMs plugin and use Jenkins Pipeline instead
- Azure Commons plugin - upgrade to latest Azure AD plugin in hopes of being able to remove this plugin
The list of plugins you have includes the following plugins with known security issues:
- Mercurial plugin 2.10 - upgrade to 2.16 or remove the plugin
- Azure AD plugin 1.2.0 - upgrade to at least 1.2.3
- Bitbucket approve plugin 1.0.3 - remove the plugin
- Role based authorization strategy 2.16 - upgrade to most recent release
Steps you should take:
- Remove the deprecated plugins (multiple SCMs)
- Remove the plugins that are known to not work with configuration forms modernization (Ivy)
- Upgrade all the plugins as instructed in the 2.277.1 upgrade guide
See the community.jenkins.io configuration form modernization summary for more details
Can we add Rundeck plugin too to the broken plugins dashboard? https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-65664
arunan done. I added the 'tables-to-divs-regression' label to that issue so that it is now visible in the list
Is this issue is resolved..? Because i also facing same issue in Jenkins 2.346.2 version, When i click Save and Apply button in ManageJenkins—>Manage and AssignRoles—>Save and Apply i'm getting "HTTP 403 No valid crumb was included in the request". Please help on this issue to fix.
degasuresh asking for help in a closed issue is much less likely to actually get help than if you ask in one of the locations that handle questions. Especially asking a question related to a different symptom than the specific issue where you are making your comment.
This issue is related to the transition of page layout from HTML table tags to HTML div tags. The issue you're describing is most likely not related to the page layout transition. However, in order to assure that the issue you are seeing is not related to the page layout transition, please follow all the steps described in https://community.jenkins.io/t/migrating-jenkins/894/5 . If you follow all those steps and still see the issue, you will increase the chances that others will be able to help you. You will also increase the chances that you'll solve the problem yourself.
timja, i'm crossing my fingers