That requirement cannot be changed. The tables to divs transition in Jenkins 2.264 needs changes in the branch api plugin that require a dependency on Jenkins 2.264.
Users of Jenkins 2.263 and Jenkins 2.263.1 will continue to use branch API plugin 2.6.2. Users of Jenkins 2.264 and later will use branch API plugin 2.6.3 and later.
The plugin manager section of Jenkins configuration correctly displays the allowed versions for their specific Jenkins installation. The Jenkins plugin installation manager tool also limits itself to only download allowed versions based on the Jenkins version given on the command line or the Jenkins war file provided on the command line.
The script in the Docker image does not support limiting itself to a specific version of Jenkins war file. That script is being deprecated, replaced by plugin installation manager tool. Users of can specify the specific branch-api plugin version in their plugins.txt file.
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