I've read through the code and understand the problem now.
The plugin uses org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyDirectory which uses java.io.File and provides a filter that includes the regex that the users supply. Problem is that copyDirectory is behaving unexpectedly.
Suppose this is our source directory:
'Fingerprint cleanup.log'
'telemetry collection.log'
When I provide a regex (.*\/)?logs\/.*, I expect that to be compared against the absolute path of the file (e.g., /var/jenkins_home/logs/slaves/slave0/slave.log which would match the regex). That is not at all what copyDirectory does.
copyDirectory uses java.io.File to first tokenize the top level items and saves it to a list.
evalList = ['log', 'logs']
then it compares each item in the list against the filter. Since neither matches to the regex (.*\/)?logs\/.*, nothing is copied.
Let's suppose we set regex to logs.* in hopes that we capture everything inside logs directory.
copyDirectory first tokenizes the top level items and saves it to a list.
evalList = ['log', 'logs']
logs matches the regex, therefore it is saved to a "matched" list. log does not match therefore it is not saved to the matched list.
Since logs is a directory its children names are saved to evalList.
evalList = ['slaves', 'tasks']
Neither words match the regex logs.* therefore neither are added to matchList. Since logs is a directory but none of its children matched, it is considered an empty directory and is not copied.
As a result, nothing is copied.
In order to match all files in logs directory, the regex has to be logs|slave.*|tasks|.*\.log. It being unintuitive aside, the regex has to list all directory names as well as the file patterns on a single pattern. At that point, regex becomes too broad and starts including unintended files.
I've read through the function signatures under FileUtils but I don't see anything that doesn't apply the filter on each file name. I think the only way to make it work the way at least I find intuitive would be to move away from Apache commons library which would be a huge task. In fact, underneath it's java.io.File that's applying the filter this way, so I don't think using file filters would work in terms of matching regex against the absolute (or even relative) path of the file.
I've read through the code and understand the problem now.
The plugin uses org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyDirectory which uses java.io.File and provides a filter that includes the regex that the users supply. Problem is that copyDirectory is behaving unexpectedly.
Suppose this is our source directory:
When I provide a regex (.*\/)?logs\/.*, I expect that to be compared against the absolute path of the file (e.g., /var/jenkins_home/logs/slaves/slave0/slave.log which would match the regex). That is not at all what copyDirectory does.
copyDirectory uses java.io.File to first tokenize the top level items and saves it to a list.
then it compares each item in the list against the filter. Since neither matches to the regex (.*\/)?logs\/.*, nothing is copied.
Let's suppose we set regex to logs.* in hopes that we capture everything inside logs directory.
copyDirectory first tokenizes the top level items and saves it to a list.
logs matches the regex, therefore it is saved to a "matched" list. log does not match therefore it is not saved to the matched list.
matchedList = ['logs']
Since logs is a directory its children names are saved to evalList.
Neither words match the regex logs.* therefore neither are added to matchList. Since logs is a directory but none of its children matched, it is considered an empty directory and is not copied.
As a result, nothing is copied.
In order to match all files in logs directory, the regex has to be logs|slave.*|tasks|.*\.log. It being unintuitive aside, the regex has to list all directory names as well as the file patterns on a single pattern. At that point, regex becomes too broad and starts including unintended files.
I've read through the function signatures under FileUtils but I don't see anything that doesn't apply the filter on each file name. I think the only way to make it work the way at least I find intuitive would be to move away from Apache commons library which would be a huge task. In fact, underneath it's java.io.File that's applying the filter this way, so I don't think using file filters would work in terms of matching regex against the absolute (or even relative) path of the file.