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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-64642

cleanup milestone build counter on build history purge


      We have a scenario where we purge the build history of the branch completely in order to reset the  build number to 1. We need this as we are moving to the next major version and the minor version corresponds to the build number and has to be reset to 1.


      But on doing this in our multi branch pipeline the the build history gets purged and the build number becomes 1 but the milestone step plugin still remembers that a build with greater number has crossed the milestone and the job gets canceld/failed.


      Requesting the feature where on purging the entire build history of a branch the build counter of milestone step plugin shoudl be reset to 1.

            amuniz Antonio Muñiz
            sradhakrishnan sathyamoorthy radhakrishnan
            3 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
