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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-64759

list-git-branches-parameter generate a config.xml change on every run


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.249.3 LTS; list-git-branches-parameter-plugin 0.0.9; jobConfigHistory 2.26

      We use the list-git-branches-parameter and jobConfigHistory plugins with Jenkinsfiles.

      Every single time a pipeline runs the config.xml is updated with a new uuid in the list-git-branches-parameter.

      For example `<uuid>3a2fc666-ffb5-45cf-b68f-03232ad40070</uuid>` becomes `<uuid>c3c3675f-5bfc-4c54-a503-1ac4442deb16</uuid>` and triggers a config change record, generating more files.

      This significantly reduce the benefit of having the jobConfigHistory plugin as it wastes space and inodes on our jenkins instances while making the Job config history view have mostly noise and very little information.

      We do not know what the value of this UUID is but it does not seem to server any actual purpose but has negative side effects.

            huangsuoyuan huang suoyuan
            sodul Stephane Odul
            3 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
