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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-64949

Declarative Pipeline: Allow defining matrix axes from a file or a variable

      As a Jenkins user writing pipelines from my projects,
      When I use a matrix in Declarative syntax because this syntax is really efficient and easy to read and maintain
      Then I would want to allow defining dynamically some axis from a file content and/or a variable defined outside the scope of the pipeline block

      Examples of the expectations (that are only suggestions):

      pipeline {
        // ..
        stages {
          stage("Build") {
            matrix {
              axes {
                axis {
                  name 'GOARCH'
                  values readYaml file: 'archs.yml'
      // ...

      with the following file:

      # archs.yml
      - amd64
      - i368
      - s390x
                axis {
                  name 'GOARCH'
                  values readJson file: 'archs.json'
      ["amd64", "i386","s390x"]
      • Eventually with a dumb text file with 1 value per line:
                axis {
                  name 'GOARCH'
                  values readTxt file: 'archs.txt
      • Or from a variable defined outside the `pipeline {}` block:
      def architectureList = readYaml file: "archs.yaml"
      pipeline {
         axis { 
           name 'GOARCH' 
           values architectureList

      Of course, the scripted syntax solves this issue, but the cost of switching syntax is high (not mentioning that it does not fit all the pipeline writers).

      Inspiration come from https://github.blog/changelog/2020-04-15-github-actions-new-workflow-features/#new-fromjson-method-in-expressions.

      It's interesting how CDS and Gitlab are "solving" the dynamic matrix issue by using "templates" that generate sub pipelines for each matrix axe: https://ovh.github.io/cds/docs/concepts/template/ and https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/merge_requests/45795/diffs.

          [JENKINS-64949] Declarative Pipeline: Allow defining matrix axes from a file or a variable

          Damien Duportal created issue -
          Damien Duportal made changes -
          Description Original: As a Jenkins user writing pipelines from my projects,
          When I use a matrix in Declarative syntax because this syntax is really efficient and easy to read and maintain
          Then I would want to allow defining dynamically some axis from a file content and/or a variable defined outside the scope of the pipeline block

          Examples of the expectations (that are only suggestions):

          * With a [readYaml helper method|https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/pipeline-utility-steps/#readyaml-read-yaml-from-files-in-the-workspace-or-text]:

          pipeline {
            // ..
            stages {
              stage("Build") {
                matrix {
                  axes {
                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values readYaml file: 'archs.yml'
          // ...

          with the following file:

          # archs.yml
          - amd64
          - i368
          - s390x

          * Same idea with a JSON file:
                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values readJson file: 'archs.json'

          ["amd64", "i386","s390x"]

          * Eventually with a dumb text file with 1 value per line:
                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values readTxt file: 'archs.txt


          * Or from a variable defined outside the `pipeline {}` block:

          def architectureList = readYaml file: "archs.yaml"

          pipeline {
          // ...
                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values architectureList

          Of course, the scripted syntax solves this issue, but the cost of switching syntax is high (not mentioning that it does not fit all the pipeline writers).

          Inspiration come from https://github.blog/changelog/2020-04-15-github-actions-new-workflow-features/#new-fromjson-method-in-expressions.

          It's interesting how CDS and Gitlab are "solving" the dynamic matrix issue by using "templates" that generate sub pipelines for each matrix axe: https://ovh.github.io/cds/docs/concepts/template/ and https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/merge_requests/45795/diffs.

          New: As a Jenkins user writing pipelines from my projects,
           When I use a matrix in Declarative syntax because this syntax is really efficient and easy to read and maintain
           Then I would want to allow defining dynamically some axis from a file content and/or a variable defined outside the scope of the pipeline block

          Examples of the expectations (that are only suggestions):

           * With a [readYaml helper method|https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/pipeline-utility-steps/#readyaml-read-yaml-from-files-in-the-workspace-or-text]:

          pipeline {
            // ..
            stages {
              stage("Build") {
                matrix {
                  axes {
                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values readYaml file: 'archs.yml'
          // ...
          with the following file:
          # archs.yml
          - amd64
          - i368
          - s390x

           * Same idea with a JSON file (and the [readJson helper|https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/pipeline-utility-steps/#readjson-read-json-from-files-in-the-workspace]):

                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values readJson file: 'archs.json'

          ["amd64", "i386","s390x"]

           * Eventually with a dumb text file with 1 value per line:

                    axis {
                      name 'GOARCH'
                      values readTxt file: 'archs.txt


           * Or from a variable defined outside the `pipeline {}` block:

          def architectureList = readYaml file: "archs.yaml"

          pipeline {
             axis {
               name 'GOARCH'
               values architectureList
          Of course, the scripted syntax solves this issue, but the cost of switching syntax is high (not mentioning that it does not fit all the pipeline writers).

          Inspiration come from [https://github.blog/changelog/2020-04-15-github-actions-new-workflow-features/#new-fromjson-method-in-expressions].

          It's interesting how CDS and Gitlab are "solving" the dynamic matrix issue by using "templates" that generate sub pipelines for each matrix axe: [https://ovh.github.io/cds/docs/concepts/template/] and [https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/-/merge_requests/45795/diffs].

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dduportal Damien Duportal
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
