Two days back i have upgraded my docker based Jenkins from 2.263.1-LTS to 2.277.1-LTS. Since then Under Manage Jenkins > Configure Systems section, i can't see Apply (Or) Save configuration option.
Also Configure Systems GUI is broken it is not displaying properly in sequential order. (Refer attached screenshot for more details).
The plugins that i have Installed currently as follows,
Jenkins: 2.277.1 OS: Linux - 4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2.x86_64 --- pipeline-stage-step:2.5 kubernetes:1.29.2 docker-workflow:1.26 uno-choice:2.5.4 credentials:2.3.15 plain-credentials:1.7 plugin-util-api:2.0.0 workflow-durable-task-step:2.38 opsgenie:1.9 javadoc:1.6 authentication-tokens:1.4 jjwt-api:0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 matrix-project:1.18 kubernetes-cli:1.10.0 crowd2:2.0.2 pipeline-model-extensions:1.8.4 jacoco:3.1.1 perforce:1.3.36 external-monitor-job:1.7 analysis-model-api:9.8.1 display-url-api:2.3.4 log-command:1.0.2 mailer:1.33 jquery3-api:3.5.1-3 workflow-scm-step:2.12 mask-passwords:3.0 project-build-times:1.2.1 strict-crumb-issuer:2.1.0 jquery:1.12.4-1 build-metrics:1.3 pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10 gerrit-trigger:2.32.1 github:1.33.1 durable-task:1.35 credentials-binding:1.24 workflow-basic-steps:2.23 pipeline-input-step:2.12 clearcase:1.6.6 pipeline-model-definition:1.8.4 momentjs:1.1.1 exclusive-execution:0.8 log-parser:2.1 rebuild:1.32 echarts-api:5.0.1-1 ssh-agent:1.21 pipeline-rest-api:2.19 subversion:2.14.0 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.8.4 handlebars:1.1.1 description-setter:1.10 ace-editor:1.1 trilead-api:1.0.13 publish-over-ssh:1.22 mapdb-api: scm-api:2.6.4 metrics: warnings-ng:8.10.1 global-build-stats:1.5 console-log-to-workspace:1.2-SNAPSHOT (private-03/18/2020 17:06-root) extended-read-permission:3.2 authorize-project:1.4.0 antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1 oauth-credentials:0.4 lockable-resources:2.10 nodelabelparameter:1.7.2 dashboard-view:2.14 greenballs:1.15.1 snakeyaml-api:1.27.0 font-awesome-api:5.15.2-2 log-cli:86.206c385fabcd groovy-postbuild:2.5 ssh-credentials:1.18.1 slack:2.45 workflow-support:3.8 scriptler:3.1 cloudbees-disk-usage-simple:0.10 timestamper:1.11.8 build-timeout:1.20 ssh-slaves:1.31.5 jsch: command-launcher:1.5 script-security:1.76 job-log-logger-plugin:1.0 okhttp-api:3.14.9 windows-slaves:1.7 workflow-job:2.40 ldap:2.4 google-oauth-plugin:1.0.4 badge:1.8 data-tables-api:1.10.23-3 jdk-tool:1.5 zentimestamp:4.2 saferestart:0.3 git-server:1.9 jquery-detached:1.2.1 pam-auth:1.6 ansicolor:0.7.5 ws-cleanup:0.39 sonar:2.13 popper-api:1.16.1-2 resource-disposer:0.15 pipeline-build-step:2.13 checks-api:1.6.0 kubernetes-credentials:0.8.0 pipeline-stage-view:2.19 jqs-monitoring:1.4 structs:1.22 matrix-auth:2.6.5 git-parameter:0.9.13 gerrit-code-review:0.4.4 bouncycastle-api:2.20 gerrit-verify-status-reporter:0.0.3 git:4.6.0 variant:1.4 pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.2 kubernetes-client-api:4.13.2-1 docker-plugin:1.2.2 postbuild-task:1.9 publish-over:0.22 git-client:3.6.0 workflow-cps-global-lib:2.18 token-macro:2.15 branch-api:2.6.3 github-branch-source:2.10.2 pipeline-model-api:1.8.4 workflow-api:2.41 docker-java-api: jackson2-api:2.12.1 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.13-1.0 msginject:0.1.1 cloudbees-folder:6.15 git-forensics:1.0.0 jobConfigHistory:2.26 pipeline-github-lib:1.0 workflow-cps:2.90 JDK_Parameter_Plugin:1.0 email-ext:2.82 junit:1.49 workflow-step-api:2.23 workflow-multibranch:2.22 p4:1.11.3 bootstrap4-api:4.6.0-2 gradle:1.36 workflow-aggregator:2.6 logging:1.0.0 docker-commons:1.17 build-timestamp:1.0.3 ant:1.11 forensics-api:1.0.0 github-api:1.123
[JENKINS-65106] Perforce plugin breaks "Configure System" UI after 2.277.1 upgrade
Summary | Original: Manage jenkins "Configure System" UI broken after ugprade | New: Manage jenkins "Configure System" UI broken after upgrade |
Description |
Two days back i have upgraded my docker based Jenkins from 2.263.1-LTS to 2.277.1-LTS. Since then Under *Manage Jenkins > Configure Systems* section, i can't see *Apply* (Or) *Save* configuration option.
Also Configure Systems GUI is broken it is not displaying properly in sequential order. (Refer attached screenshot for more details). The plugins that i have Installed currently as follows, {code:java} Active Choices Plug-in (uno-choice): 2.5.4 Analysis Model API Plugin (analysis-model-api): 9.8.1 AnsiColor (ansicolor): 0.7.5 Ant Plugin (ant): 1.11 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.13-1.0 Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.4 Authorize Project (authorize-project): 1.4.0 Badge (badge): 1.8 Bootstrap 4 API Plugin (bootstrap4-api): 4.6.0-2 bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.20 Branch API Plugin (branch-api): 2.6.3 Build Timeout (build-timeout): 1.20 Build Timestamp Plugin (build-timestamp): 1.0.3 build-metrics (build-metrics): 1.3 Checks API plugin (checks-api): 1.6.0 ClearCase Plug-in (clearcase): 1.6.6 CloudBees Disk Usage Simple Plugin (cloudbees-disk-usage-simple): 0.10 Command Agent Launcher Plugin (command-launcher): 1.5 Console Log To Workspace (console-log-to-workspace): 1.2-SNAPSHOT (private-03/18/2020 17:06-root) Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.24 Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.3.15 Crowd 2 Integration (crowd2): 2.0.2 Dashboard View (dashboard-view): 2.14 API Plugin (data-tables-api): 1.10.23-3 description setter plugin (description-setter): 1.10 Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.3.4 Docker API Plugin (docker-java-api): Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.17 Docker Pipeline (docker-workflow): 1.26 Docker plugin (docker-plugin): 1.2.2 Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.35 ECharts API Plugin (echarts-api): 5.0.1-1 Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.82 Exclusive Execution Plugin (exclusive-execution): 0.8 Extended Read Permission Plugin (extended-read-permission): 3.2 External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7 Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.15 Font Awesome API Plugin (font-awesome-api): 5.15.2-2 Forensics API Plugin (forensics-api): 1.0.0 Gerrit Code Review plugin (gerrit-code-review): 0.4.4 Gerrit Trigger (gerrit-trigger): 2.32.1 Gerrit Verify Status Reporter Plugin (gerrit-verify-status-reporter): 0.0.3 Git client plugin (git-client): 3.6.0 Git Forensics Plugin (git-forensics): 1.0.0 Git Parameter Plug-In (git-parameter): 0.9.13 Git plugin (git): 4.6.0 GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.9 GitHub API Plugin (github-api): 1.123 GitHub Branch Source Plugin (github-branch-source): 2.10.2 GitHub plugin (github): 1.33.1 Google OAuth Credentials plugin (google-oauth-plugin): 1.0.4 Gradle Plugin (gradle): 1.36 Green Balls (greenballs): 1.15.1 Groovy Postbuild (groovy-postbuild): 2.5 Hudson global-build-stats plugin (global-build-stats): 1.5 Infrastructure plugin for Publish Over X (publish-over): 0.22 Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.12.1 JaCoCo plugin (jacoco): 3.1.1 Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin (jjwt-api): 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.6 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1 JDK Parameter Plugin (JDK_Parameter_Plugin): 1.0 Job Configuration History Plugin (jobConfigHistory): 2.26 Job Log Logger Plugin (job-log-logger-plugin): 1.0 Job/Queue/Slaves Monitoring Plugin (jqs-monitoring): 1.4 jQuery plugin (jquery): 1.12.4-1 JQuery3 API Plugin (jquery3-api): 3.5.1-3 JSch dependency plugin (jsch): JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.49 Kubernetes CLI Plugin (kubernetes-cli): 1.10.0 Kubernetes Client API Plugin (kubernetes-client-api): 4.13.2-1 Kubernetes Credentials Plugin (kubernetes-credentials): 0.8.0 Kubernetes plugin (kubernetes): 1.29.2 LDAP Plugin (ldap): 2.4 Lockable Resources plugin (lockable-resources): 2.10 Log CLI Plugin (log-cli): 86.206c385fabcd Log Command Plugin (log-command): 1.0.2 Log Parser Plugin (log-parser): 2.1 Logging Plugin (logging): 1.0.0 Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.33 MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api): Mask Passwords Plugin (mask-passwords): 3.0 Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.6.5 Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.18 Message Injector Plugin (msginject): 0.1.1 Metrics Plugin (metrics): Node and Label parameter plugin (nodelabelparameter): 1.7.2 OAuth Credentials plugin (oauth-credentials): 0.4 OkHttp Plugin (okhttp-api): 3.14.9 OpsGenie Plugin (opsgenie): 1.9 Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin (jdk-tool): 1.5 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 2.1 P4 Plugin (p4): 1.11.3 PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.6 Perforce Plugin (perforce): 1.3.36 Pipeline (workflow-aggregator): 2.6 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.10 Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.41 Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.23 Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.13 Pipeline: Declarative (pipeline-model-definition): 1.8.4 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.8.4 Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries (pipeline-github-lib): 1.0 Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.90 Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.12 Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.40 Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.2 Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.8.4 Pipeline: Multibranch (workflow-multibranch): 2.22 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.38 Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.19 Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.12 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries (workflow-cps-global-lib): 2.18 Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.5 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.8.4 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.19 Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.23 Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 3.8 Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.7 Plugin Utilities API Plugin (plugin-util-api): 2.0.0 Popper.js API Plugin (popper-api): 1.16.1-2 Post build task (postbuild-task): 1.9 Project Build Times (project-build-times): 1.2.1 Publish Over SSH (publish-over-ssh): 1.22 Rebuilder (rebuild): 1.32 Resource Disposer Plugin (resource-disposer): 0.15 Safe Restart Plugin (saferestart): 0.3 SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.6.4 Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.76 Scriptler (scriptler): 3.1 Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.45 Snakeyaml API Plugin (snakeyaml-api): 1.27.0 SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins (sonar): 2.13 SSH Agent Plugin (ssh-agent): 1.21 SSH Build Agents plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.31.5 SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.18.1 Strict Crumb Issuer Plugin (strict-crumb-issuer): 2.1.0 Structs Plugin (structs): 1.22 Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.14.0 Timestamper (timestamper): 1.11.8 Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.15 Trilead API Plugin (trilead-api): 1.0.13 Variant Plugin (variant): 1.4 Warnings Next Generation Plugin (warnings-ng): 8.10.1 WMI Windows Agents Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.7 Workspace Cleanup Plugin (ws-cleanup): 0.39 Zentimestamp plugin (zentimestamp): 4.2 {code} |
Two days back i have upgraded my docker based Jenkins from 2.263.1-LTS to 2.277.1-LTS. Since then Under *Manage Jenkins > Configure Systems* section, i can't see *Apply* (Or) *Save* configuration option.
Also Configure Systems GUI is broken it is not displaying properly in sequential order. (Refer attached screenshot for more details). The plugins that i have Installed currently as follows, {code:java} Jenkins: 2.277.1 OS: Linux - 4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2.x86_64 --- pipeline-stage-step:2.5 kubernetes:1.29.2 docker-workflow:1.26 uno-choice:2.5.4 credentials:2.3.15 plain-credentials:1.7 plugin-util-api:2.0.0 workflow-durable-task-step:2.38 opsgenie:1.9 javadoc:1.6 authentication-tokens:1.4 jjwt-api:0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 matrix-project:1.18 kubernetes-cli:1.10.0 crowd2:2.0.2 pipeline-model-extensions:1.8.4 jacoco:3.1.1 perforce:1.3.36 external-monitor-job:1.7 analysis-model-api:9.8.1 display-url-api:2.3.4 log-command:1.0.2 mailer:1.33 jquery3-api:3.5.1-3 workflow-scm-step:2.12 mask-passwords:3.0 project-build-times:1.2.1 strict-crumb-issuer:2.1.0 jquery:1.12.4-1 build-metrics:1.3 pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10 gerrit-trigger:2.32.1 github:1.33.1 durable-task:1.35 credentials-binding:1.24 workflow-basic-steps:2.23 pipeline-input-step:2.12 clearcase:1.6.6 pipeline-model-definition:1.8.4 momentjs:1.1.1 exclusive-execution:0.8 log-parser:2.1 rebuild:1.32 echarts-api:5.0.1-1 ssh-agent:1.21 pipeline-rest-api:2.19 subversion:2.14.0 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.8.4 handlebars:1.1.1 description-setter:1.10 ace-editor:1.1 trilead-api:1.0.13 publish-over-ssh:1.22 mapdb-api: scm-api:2.6.4 metrics: warnings-ng:8.10.1 global-build-stats:1.5 console-log-to-workspace:1.2-SNAPSHOT (private-03/18/2020 17:06-root) extended-read-permission:3.2 authorize-project:1.4.0 antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1 oauth-credentials:0.4 lockable-resources:2.10 nodelabelparameter:1.7.2 dashboard-view:2.14 greenballs:1.15.1 snakeyaml-api:1.27.0 font-awesome-api:5.15.2-2 log-cli:86.206c385fabcd groovy-postbuild:2.5 ssh-credentials:1.18.1 slack:2.45 workflow-support:3.8 scriptler:3.1 cloudbees-disk-usage-simple:0.10 timestamper:1.11.8 build-timeout:1.20 ssh-slaves:1.31.5 jsch: command-launcher:1.5 script-security:1.76 job-log-logger-plugin:1.0 okhttp-api:3.14.9 windows-slaves:1.7 workflow-job:2.40 ldap:2.4 google-oauth-plugin:1.0.4 badge:1.8 data-tables-api:1.10.23-3 jdk-tool:1.5 zentimestamp:4.2 saferestart:0.3 git-server:1.9 jquery-detached:1.2.1 pam-auth:1.6 ansicolor:0.7.5 ws-cleanup:0.39 sonar:2.13 popper-api:1.16.1-2 resource-disposer:0.15 pipeline-build-step:2.13 checks-api:1.6.0 kubernetes-credentials:0.8.0 pipeline-stage-view:2.19 jqs-monitoring:1.4 structs:1.22 matrix-auth:2.6.5 git-parameter:0.9.13 gerrit-code-review:0.4.4 bouncycastle-api:2.20 gerrit-verify-status-reporter:0.0.3 git:4.6.0 variant:1.4 pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.2 kubernetes-client-api:4.13.2-1 docker-plugin:1.2.2 postbuild-task:1.9 publish-over:0.22 git-client:3.6.0 workflow-cps-global-lib:2.18 token-macro:2.15 branch-api:2.6.3 github-branch-source:2.10.2 pipeline-model-api:1.8.4 workflow-api:2.41 docker-java-api: jackson2-api:2.12.1 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.13-1.0 msginject:0.1.1 cloudbees-folder:6.15 git-forensics:1.0.0 jobConfigHistory:2.26 pipeline-github-lib:1.0 workflow-cps:2.90 JDK_Parameter_Plugin:1.0 email-ext:2.82 junit:1.49 workflow-step-api:2.23 workflow-multibranch:2.22 p4:1.11.3 bootstrap4-api:4.6.0-2 gradle:1.36 workflow-aggregator:2.6 logging:1.0.0 docker-commons:1.17 build-timestamp:1.0.3 ant:1.11 forensics-api:1.0.0 github-api:1.123 {code} |
Comment | [ Same problem with firefox and chrome browsers. ] |
Summary | Original: Manage jenkins "Configure System" UI broken after upgrade | New: Perforce plugin breaks "Configure System" UI after 2.277.1 upgrade |
Resolution | New: Won't Fix [ 2 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |
Comment | [ Did you mean due to *forensics-api:1.0.0* plugin UI breaks? ] |