Resolution: Won't Do
Jenkins 2.277.2, xunit-plugin 3.0.1
The xUnit plugin fails to parse JUnit reports created by Catch2. The time (duration) values have the wrong format. The error message is:
WARNING: The file '<path>\TestResults-Scintilla.xml' is an invalid file. WARNING: At line 3 of [file:/|file:///]<path>/TestResults-Scintilla.xml:cvc-pattern-valid: Wert '0.022408' ist nicht Facet-gültig in Bezug auf Muster '(([0-9]{0,3},)*[0-9]{3}|[0-9]{0,3})*(\.[0-9]{0,3})?' für Typ 'SUREFIRE_TIME'. WARNING: At line 3 of [file:/|file:///]<path>/TestResults-Scintilla.xml:cvc-attribute.3: Wert '0.022408' des Attributs 'time' bei Element 'testsuite' hat keinen gültigen Typ 'SUREFIRE_TIME'. ERROR: Step ‘Publish xUnit test result report’ failed: The result file '<path>\TestResults-Scintilla.xml' for the metric 'JUnit' is not valid. The result file has been skipped.
It seems that it expects time values only with 3 decimal digits, but the generated file contains 6.
See the bug report for Catch2: https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/issues/2221
As reported in the plugin documentation JUnit supported schema are Ant junit and Maven Surefire
Schemas reports 3 digit for duration