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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65876

As a User of Build Failure Analyzer Plugin I want to have two new fields in it


      As a User of Build Failure Analyzer I want to be able to assign automatically some failures to the team owner of it, but I don't have a field that I can use for that.

      I need also to have a severity field to help the robot decision, if he should send a warning in Teams or Open a Support Ticket.

      Could you add two fields in BFA ? 

      One Ownership and a Second Severity ?

      Or even better add the possibility to create a field directy in the Signatures ?

      I really thank you for that plugin, it help us on the day to day.



          [JENKINS-65876] As a User of Build Failure Analyzer Plugin I want to have two new fields in it

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            t_westling Tomas Westling
            apiercy Aude
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