Resolution: Not A Defect
we are having sonarqube 7.9.3 community edition & sonar scanner for msbuild .net 5.2.1, our jenkins has linux agent
our Jenkins build gets successful but we are not seeing any results on sonarqube dashboard ,
sonarqube logs :---------- 2021.06.08 14:29:50 INFO ce[AXnrmZmrViTuBNQnmTsV][o.s.c.t.CeWorkerImpl] Executed task | project=project:vek-orabr | type=REPORT | id=AXnrmZmrViTuBNQnmTsV | submitter=s2-service-account | status=SUCCESS | time=6230ms
jenkins job :-----------
./dotnet-sonarscanner begin /key:"project:vek-orabr" /d:sonar.login="e0602b05c77f7616e6de" /d:sonar.host.url=https://example.com/sonarqube /d:sonar.verbose=true /d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths="test/*/coverage.opencover.xml"
dotnet build VEK.Orchestrator.sln
dotnet --info
dotnet publish
cd VEK.Orabrr.Api/bin/Debug/net5.0/publish/
echo `git rev-parse --short HEAD` >> version.txt
zip -r ../../../../../VEK-Orabr.zip *
- ./dotnet-sonarscanner end
what we need to check to get result on sonarqube dashboard, since jenkins builds are getting completed but no analysis on SQ dashboard, please guide us,
Hi, I believe this issue may not be related to the MSBuild plugin. Please consult the Sonatype documentation for more guidance