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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65907

disableConcurrentBuilds not enforced after upgrade to 2.289.1

      Our team uses a branch build with a scripted pipeline backed by groovy scripts. The branch builds fail when run concurrently. We set them up like this at the top of the groovy script:

      node {
      buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactNumToKeepStr: '10', numToKeepStr: '10'))

      After upgrading to 2.289.1 the disableConcurrentBuilds is not respected and the builds are run concurrently... and fail. We do need multiple executors for other jobs so setting # executors to 1 is not a workaround for my team.

      Possibly related to: JENKINS-65673

          [JENKINS-65907] disableConcurrentBuilds not enforced after upgrade to 2.289.1

          Jesse Glick added a comment -


          mvn -f workflow-multibranch-plugin test -Dtest=JobPropertyStepTest\#concurrentBuildProperty -Djenkins.version=2.289.1

          still passes.

          Jesse Glick added a comment - FWIW mvn -f workflow-multibranch-plugin test -Dtest=JobPropertyStepTest\ #concurrentBuildProperty -Djenkins.version=2.289.1 still passes.

          Perhaps same Problem here.  In some of our Jobs (and in some Folders all Jobs) the setting of LogRotator, disableConcurrentBuilds and even TimerTrigger doesn't work after upgrading to 2.289.1.
          If we set new values in one of these parameters (via UI-Config or via Pipeline-Script) they are overwritten with an old value after the next build starts.
          Config-History says "Changed by SYSTEM"

          Torsten Boelting added a comment - Perhaps same Problem here.  In some of our Jobs (and in some Folders all Jobs) the setting of LogRotator, disableConcurrentBuilds and even TimerTrigger doesn't work after upgrading to 2.289.1. If we set new values in one of these parameters (via UI-Config or via Pipeline-Script) they are overwritten with an old value after the next build starts. Config-History says "Changed by SYSTEM"

          Update: TimeTrigger does work, Failure of User.
          LogRotator and disableConcurrentBuilds don't work on some Jobs.

          Torsten Boelting added a comment - Update: TimeTrigger does work, Failure of User. LogRotator and disableConcurrentBuilds don't work on some Jobs.

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            mkelandis Michael
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